2006-2007 Yearbook

Standing at her bathroom sink, freshman $amy Dillon mixes barley powder into her water for a vitamin and mineral boost Oct. 17. ''I'm a vegetarian because of the health benefits; it provides energy and makes you feel better," Dillon said. -Amber Bazargani Infatuation with health food Rroducts increases Many studentS have heard of the 'freshman 15: a dreaded curse put \cc~\IS~O~d ways to mai ntain a healthy diet on campus. upon college scudents as soon as they began moving into their Executive C hef Stephen Kerr said (he cafeteria 5[afF worked diligendy co dorm rooms. However, some students found ways to beat the provide healthy options for students in the cafeteria. curse and keep up healthy eating habits while atte nding college "We base everything on the new pyramid according to the FDA," and participating in dorm life. Kerr said. "We try our best to make sure that everything is met. We have One ofthe oldest methods ofhealrhy dieting adapted bystudents was people from special allergy diets all the way ro vegan diets by choice so vegetarianism. Senior Malina Thiede practiced such eating habits because we try to meet everybody's needs." she felt she did not need meat to eat nutritiously. Kerr said he thought some students abandoned healthy eating habits "I don't eat meat because 1 feel like there are beuer ways of getting the because of the move away from their parents. kinds of things YOli need than through meat,"Thiede said. " I feel like "Probably the best reason is that breakaway from mom and dad; ie's ie's bener to eat vegetables and whole grains because there's nOt as much really easy to get off and make the wrong decisions," Kerr said. "Ie's hard fat and hormones." a lo t of times to find the right balances with schoo\, eating and sleeping Other students, like sophomore Stacey McConn, simply watched -everything that does not always work together in the college atmosphere. their diet and what they took in every day in order to maintain healthy By having a good diet, it helps com rol the other cwo - your thinking living. processes and your sleeping processes." "I try to eat as many vegetables as 1can," McConn said. "I also try to Thiede said she ate healthy foods in o rder to feel good about herself eat a salad and a sandwich for lunch every day because you usually can't "I feel better when I'm eating healthy," T hiede said. "I find when I'm go wrong with some wheat bread, turkey and veggies. Mostly 1JUSt try ro eating fresh vegetables and things that are good for you, I feel like I'm eat as well as I can regarding whatever's being served in the [cafeteria]." making better decisions about my body and my futu re. I th ink healthy One obStacle facing health enthusiasts was how toobtain the food that eating prevents obesity and other diseases that I won't have to worry benefited their bodies. However, Searcy provided a number of ourlets about." for such culinary purchases. Kerr offered a more physiological motive for keeping healthy eating "Most of my food I buy at the grocery store," Thiede said. "You can habits. buy healthy food anywhere. There's a health food place here in Searcy, "Ifyou don't eat ri ght, the rest of your body doesn't work right," Kerr but there's not much variety. Every now and then 1go to Wild Oats Food said. in Little Rock, but that's just every once in a while." seniors '-"__