2006-2007 Yearbook

• • Despite name change 'Harbin Devo' lives on From home Bible studies to private stairway devotio nals, there were a number ofopportunities for students to worship together and hear Ihe Word on campus. As students returned in the fall of2006, however, they noticed some changes to the long-lived Harbin Devo. Every year Ayers wem up on residence hall doors and bulletin boards in the student center for the Harbin Devo. This year those flyers read "Foumain 4 Devo," which was the first sign that something was different. Because ofrhe declining attendance last year, senior Jonathan Colvi n and ~SOPhomores Kensley Cummings, ScottTaylor and Chris Rapko. direcrors ~fo r rhe Fountain Devo thought giving it a new name would help bring P new life to the devotional along with bringing in more attendants. Cummings said the new direction they were wanting to take made him think ofSaul's salvation and how he changed his name to Paul, and because it was held at the fo untain, he said there was nothing better to call it. After the name change, leaders took on the task of redirecting the devocional. Cumm ings said to go along with the theme of un ity and growth, they wanted to incorporate more social interaction, so rhey planned more activicies within the devotional such as cookouts and Ultimate Frisbee. Students talk with high schoolerTaryn Smith, daughter of Regional Advancement Director Dirk and his wife Wendy Smith on Sept. 20. " Home Bible studies give you an opportunity to establish a relationship wit h a family away fro m home," sophomore Tess Smith said . -Amber Bazargani _ .....Speople "Our basic theme is growth and unification, getting people Ollt of their comfort rone," Taylor said . Taylor and Cummings said they wanted to help people grow both spiritually and mentally. One way of doing that was to bring in both student and guest speakers. Sophomore Brenna Griffin was also on the committee for devo tional and said she had faith the Fountain Devo could return to what it once was. "[The] Fountain Devo has a lot ofpotential," Griffin said. "Our attendance is going up, and we have some amazi ng things planned. I can already see God wo rking in the people there and on the leaders as well. I think it's just a great opportun ity to help a lot of people grow closer to God." Griffin said the committee was also plann ing for a split de'fO[ioIllal:; between men and women throughout the year to tty and reach everycme' on a more personal level. Srudems could still enjoy the former "Harbin Devo" in the same on the Benson steps every Wednesday night. Attendance went to 120 in rhe fall and cominued [0 grow each week. -Natalie Lollis