2006-2007 Yearbook

. . Faculty stay connected through intramural sports \; uilding connections with students, form ing friendships with other facul ty members, parricipating in wholesome recreation and enjoying a game they loved were all part of faculty intramural softball. T he faculty intramutal team was formed in 1946, and since that year, ded i– cated faculty members have chosen to participate and embrace their passion for athletics . Facul ty members like Chancellor C li ff Ganus and Professor Emeritus of Bible JimmyAllen were legends because of their participation and dedication [Q this Hard– ing tradition. The fall semester of 2006 was Allen's 48th consecutive year to play on the team. Allen said playing on the team helped him relax and relieved the pressure from having to travel and preach all over the world and from teaching. ''I've played [all rhese years] because I like ir," Allen said. "The serendipity ofit all was rhe effect it had on my healrh. Ir has been a blessing physically. I'm convi nced that ifI had not played, I would be dead by now." Allowing faculty members to interact with stu– dents in a non-traditional manner helped (Q form a bond between students and faculty that Allen said he did nOt find very often elsewhere. Allen especially mentioned Ganus, who until recently, had played alongside Allen for years. Ganus, who according [0 Allen was quite an athlete, participated in intramurals even when he became president in 1965. "I'll rell you what [having a faculty team d id]: ir built something," Allen said. "lr builds something when the president ofyour institution goes our and plays with the students. And it builds camaraderie, even within the facul ty." Steve Cooper, instructor of biology, who played on the ream during the six yea rs he taught at Harding, said when he attended Hard ing in 1989 he heard about Ganus and Allen. According co Cooper, they were intramural legends. "Have you ever heard about the softball fields that used co be behind (he Benson?" Cooper said. "I never saw Dr. Ganus, who was left-handed, play, bur I heard abom the rime he hit the ball so hard rhat it hit rhe Rhodes Field House and landed half way down the roof. No one did that, except for him." Cooper was inspired by what these men we re doing and their ability to relate co rheir students. He respected people like Allen and Ganus who kept in shape and were spiritual leaders on campus. "You can see somebody like Jimmy Allen rip a line drive and you have to have a little respect," Cooper said. "I'm "ill inspired by Jimmy Allen. I can't imagine how a 19-year-old might feel." Scudems like sophomore Tony Randolph, who participated in games against the faculty and even played on the faculty team, enjoyed seeing a dif– ferent side to their professors. "It definitely brings us [Ogether," Randolph said. "I mean, any sporr brings people [Ogether because they're working tOwa rds a common goal. When we're not up to bat [the faculty and the students] are on rhe bench toge ther, and the same when we're oue on the fi eld. Working together brings people together." Cooper recognized the fellows hip opporrunities as well. ASia former student, he recognized what Randolph saw during games. Cooper wanted (Q impact students like Randolph the way Allen and Ganus had once inspired him. "The feel ings I got, those are what 1want to give to these students," Cooper said. "It's also juSt fun fellowship. We always end with a prayer, which is nice. It shows that there are no hard feel ings." Dr. Phil Brown, director and associate profes– sor of accounting, became captain for t he team and Allen said he looked forward [Q working with him and having a new wave of professors continue with the tradition. Allen, however, said he d id not plan on retiring in the near future and expected [Q play basketball in the spring if Direc(Qr of Men's Intramurals Jim Gowen would let him. "I'm glad we have an intramural program," Allen said. "1 think it's good for our boys and girls. Now, 1 don't preach i£'s necessary for salvation, but I'm glad (Q have it." -Rosa Colon Handing the ball off, Steve Cooper, instructor of biol– ogy, and Dr. Jimmy Allen, professor emeritus of Bible, play intramural softball on the softball fields Oct. 2. Allen and Cooper were a part of the faculty softball team that competed each year. -Amber Bazargani • ., • ~ • tr • , - .. • -, • .. • .. • . ~ , .~ • .- • -. • - . • , intramurals 3u__ _ •