5.>mmie L(G...dulle), p.o.So~ 1920. Glenwood. AFI,,71'Hl. Be nnett a...ndi Kay (Post Ibccalaurute)...500 Branch SW. 6enton';lle.AR. 72712. Brent P(SQJIhomo<'e), PO So~ 81H,Searq.AR. 721"5. Be nningfield Jamee (G...dulIe), P.O. So)( 593.Fritch.TX. 7901tHl59. Benskin Jo»nna E (funlor).PO So~ 117.lendl. NR. 90,21 5. Benson Nicholas R (G...do• .oue), 110 Ponderou Driwt. Searcy.AR. 72IU.9409. Bendey David (Sophomore), PO So~ 915 VilbJe Mkt Nairobi, Kenya. 130. Jennifer R Uunlor).Viliale Market PO So)( 935. Nairobi, 19".20. July>. H (Freshmvl). 15644 SWidmer. Olathe. KS. 66062. 106. I'H,209.253. Sheri R (Senior). Be nton DanielJuon (Senior). 1531 ColI..eA~nue. livermore. CA. 9"SS0, 172,2"3 Jabri M (Freshman), 211 W,Wlnter,reen Rd. Desoto.TX. 7511 5, 106. Jewel Welley (Freshman). 928 Hwy 367 N., Judsonia,AR,7208I. Mark (Suff). 17 1Triple M Rd. Searcy,AR. 721 ..3. '''. Melody Anne (G...dulte). Hardinl University. Searcy,AR.721"9. Paula M (G...duate), 928 Hltt>way 367 N..Judsonia, AR,72081·8955. Berler john R Uunior), 21 17 South M Street. fort Smith. AII., 72901,78. 197.216.219. Kimberly (Gnduate), 110 Boonie. Farmincron. Aft, 72730. Be rloorst Raben P (Fftihman).2-43 Mimil'n St. Zuland. MI."94M. Be' I""'.. Deborah E (Junio<'). <41 17Acushnet. COI'pIIS Christi.TX.78-413, 78. 223.22... Be ....en TofQny M (Junior).6108Waller Lane.Colleyville. TX.760304. Berrios Raquel (Sophomore). 22-42 SWater.Wichitlo, KS, 67211.25". Be rry Amand;. (Senior), P.O. So~ 87. O'Kean,AR, 72-4-49.50. Christopher Lloyd (Freshman), 1135 Dearin, Ro<od, Memphis,TN. 38 I 17. jennilerA (Senior), 1219 Coronado Lane. Dunu,nviile.TX.75137, 50, 199,237,2-48. Jessica (Senior), 1219 Coronado Lane, Duncanville, TX,75137."7. 50,201 Katherine M Uunior), 113S Dearinl Road. Memphis.TN. 38117. 78. Lauren N {Sopkomore).88 North Howard Fitch Road, Kelso.TN, )73048. Leah Kay (~).11107Alhambn.Austin. TX, 78759. 106.2-47, Leslie (Graduate). 1018 Eve"""", Drive. Arbdelphia.AR. 71923. P1mela (Gnduate).P.O. II<»< 19.Carlisle.AII.. 720H. Berryhill Boonie K>o" (Senio<'),10 Sall;uw Ct. North Liule Rock.AR. 72116, SO. 205. 217. 257.290. .. ~ Lauren Eliubeth (Sophornot-e), 300 D~ire Oriwt. f ...nklin,TN,3706<1. 90. 25 I. Lyumt.rie (Freshman). <408 N.Williamson. Winliow.AZ,86(H7. B_ ridle Jacob 5 (Senior). 65 Nych Rei.. NewWilmiAJton. PA, 161"2,1),SO. 197. Bewley Daniel A (Senior). 31SOArbnui Hill Rd.Valley View,TX, 76272.. 50, 2049, IS2 Misty 0 (Freshman). 10244 Milty Acres. Danville, AR.72833.287. Bibb Reginald H (Senior). 1209 Sune"Way, Mesquite. TX.75181.78.285 Bidwell Gn.ysonT (Fre5Ilman). 912 Hillcrest Court. Tall~hassee. FL 32308. 106. Bielefeld D~na (Senior). 3018 28th Ave Sw, Ce.lir R.apids, IA, 524004·328. Biue~ Dana Jean (G...duate). 283 Lawren<:e 6)5,W~lnut Ridge.AR. 720476. Biuers...ff jeffrey Brandt (SQJIhomo<'e). I025 South Claremont. Sherwood.AR. 72 120. 106. Billinls Amy Melilu (Gn.duate).7321 Bnond Ro<od. Tuckerman.AlI.. 72~73. BiII$ Collin C (Senior). 289 FarmingtonTnce. NonnvIdy.TN.37360-3051. K>othryn f (Freshman),289 Farmlnl'onT...c•• Normandy.TN. 37360. 106.25). BinI ~IyeA (Gndone). 28 Stonehaven Dr..Cabot. All.. 72023. Binalwn Connie Jean (Gnduate). I.. Fenchurch Drive. Bella Vis~AR.7271 ". Henry L (Suff), <t07 She........,gd. S..rcy.AlI.. 72IU ISS. lanice (Faculty), 711 E MarUI. #3, Searcy.AR, 721<43,1"7 Bingman Adam (Freshman), 7 Chlcot Co..-, Maumelle.AR. 72113.106.252. Amy Elizabeth (Senior). 7 Clllcot CO~.Maumelle. AR.72113·6352, 50. 248. Binkley joe Brennon Uunior). <t02 Wilson Pike. Brentwood, TN. 37027. 199. Jordan (sophomore). 216 S. Forrest Ridge Blvd. BroIten Arrow. Ok 7<t01 ..,90. 257. Kyle 0 (Freshlmn). 3809 SAs....Ave. Broken Arrow. OK. 7<tOII. 106.251. ••~6index Mark 8 (Freshman),"02Wilson Pike, 8renrwood. TN, 37027. 278. Taylor M (Senior). 216 S Foreu Ridge Blvd. Broken Arrow.OK.7-401". Binns Marc~1 A (Sophomore). 2218 Lawoon Oak$ Dr. W e Rod<.AR.72210. 90. Mason D (Senior). 2218 Lawson Oaks Dr.Uede Rod<.Aft, 72211)..5025, SO. 213. H8. Bin:kholtz Krilten 0 (Sophomore).2 Morse Brook Dr.South Paris.ME,0·H8L Birdwell Meijnda Lane Uunior). 6785 28d>Ave N. Salnt Petenburg. FL 3371O. 90.253. Birge JiUian Anne (G...duate).6 CoIdstrNm Place. Bella VlSu.AII..721IS Biros )ohn 0 (Fr",hman). 4686 Shelly Lane. ElliCOtt City. MD, 210013.171.223 Bishop Suun E(Gn.duate). lOS Milloway Driwt. Gillham, AR.718-41. Bittle ElinOeth Marie (G....duate)... 108 Lynnfield, Jonesboro.AR, 72-40 I Joshua M (Graduate). 1550 Sugar Maple, Hensley. AR. n06S. Black Amanda (Senior). 875 E. Sunri" Ct.. Ozark. MO. 65721. 8ritton I (Sophomore). PO So~ 17198. Jacksonville. fL. 32245. 90,251. CharlesaAnn (G...duate), 27581 Hwy 67 South. Malvem.AR.72I04. jo·P1trick (Freshman). 2 Erin Dr. Searcy.AR. nl ..3, 252.278. Mllrtha joann (Post IbCQlaureate), 11 4 failVa)' Drive. ibid Knob.AlI.. nOlo. Rachel K (Senior). 197.. Miller Farm. Rd, GermantoWn.TN. 38138-3706.200. Robert Allen Jr. (Faculty). 266 Summerfield Ln. Cordova.TN.l8OIB. BI..ckard AmyAnnette (Gndwte). 100 CR 2171 .l-bttman. AR.728-40. BI..ckburn Bethany C (Freshman). 217'l7 Marigot Dr. Boca ~ton, FL 330428,280. Lindsey M (Senior). 566<1 Jamaica Cir. No Rkhland Hills,TX. 76180-657...51. 182.210.2048. Terry (Senior). 109 Cherrywood Ln. Searcy,AR, 121043. BI..cklhe..~ Mard L (Sopkomore). 1598Waters Edge Drive. Onnge P1rk. FL.32003, 90. Blackscon Kimberly Anne (Groduate). HOI Paris Lane. 5pringdale,AR,727fA. Blackwell Jenny Leigh (Groduate), 53 Ryleitt> Cirde. Cabot. AR.72011. Paige L Uunlor). 8504 E 107 St.Tulsa. OK. 7~ I n. 233.247. Blair AJennderT Uunior). 153004 Nadine. Fraser. MI. "S026.78. Jacob 0 (Sophomore). 1286 Matthews Lane. Park HlIIs,MO.63601.2~7. Blake 6rita.ny L Uunk>r). 1004 Nob Hi•. Red Oak.TX. 751~ Eliubeth (Post Bacalaure.Jte). 2205 s.. Gaines Strut. We Rock.Aft, 72206. Eric 0 (Freshman)."1 76Arrow+I~d. Memph;s, TN.38118.106. joel A (Freshman). 32811 Couples Court, MqnoIia.TX 7735... 106.257. jordlon (Senior). 32811 Couples Ct. M>.gnoIia,TX. 7735-4·688.51.269. Mary ~chael Uunior). 212 Jamie Drive. WIlitehouse,TX. 75~ I. 90,225. Rebe<:u, J (Senior).2 I 2 Jamie Dr.Whitehouse. TX,75791,51. ScOtt (Senior). HU Box 11 ..76.Surcy,AR. 721-49. Blanchard Jermaine S (Sophomore).6207 Garden Cv, Memphi•.TN. 3813~,278. Bland 8rondon J (Senior). 1391 Poplar Esutes Parkway. Germantown.TN, 38138.1840. 51 Da~ L (F1cuity). 1]91 Poplar Est Pky, Germantown.TN,18138. J~stin (G....duate). 1391 Poplar Esutes Pkwy.. Germantown.TN.181 38. 197. BI..nk Kelli E(Senior). 208 Silver Sur Sox 1070.Alto. NM.88312·1070. 169.25-4.289. Blilnkenship Laun Jill (Sophomore). 962S Glenwood 5t. Overland P1rk. Ks.. 66212. 90. Blansett Amanda Lyn (Junio<'), 19 Country Club CiIl:Ie, Searcy,Aft, 721"3,2"8 jonat/lllnA (Senio<'), 1613 Mt. Springs Rd.• Cabot, AR. 72023·2076. 51.169.237. Lyn (Staff). 19 Country Club Or.Surcy.AR. 721 ..3.155. Timothy Leonard (Senior). 19 Country Club Circle,Surcy.AlI.. 721~1. 51. Bledsoe Nicole Leitt> (Gndune), 607 Hlley Cove. Marion. AR.723601. Blevins M1ndy Lee·Ann (G...duace).6S50 Heber Sprinv Road.lo<;ust Grove.AR. 72550. ..... Robert Trey (Senior). 1)9 Carranu Rd.. Tabe."nade. NJ.08088. 51. 257. Blount Laura Ounior). 12.. PleasantView Dr. Searcy.AR. 721~1·8411. 78. 2..7. Boatman Kimberly A (Senior). 901 llIvender Cove, f'fIugerville,TX,78660. 78. 201. 2..5. 253. Boatright Stephen Christopher (Freshman), 200 Hickory Creek Lane.liede Rock.AR. 72212.106. 278. Bobbitt Lucy (Gn.duate). 6704 Greene 721 Ro<od. P1...gould.AII..72"50. Bobrowski f'n.emyslaw (Senior). 20116. 15·377 Bialystolt.AR. 721" Bobst Theresa G (G...duue), ....61 Hwy 16 Ea<t. Clinton. AR.72031 . Bockm..n Spencer C (F....shman).17561 Harvest Grove Ct. Ibkersfield. CA. 9331 ... Boehril Sean P (Senior). H7 Cos> Street. Ct..rleston. SC. 29107.251. .~" Jacqueline (Junior). 16800'hlley Falls Dr. We Rock.AR. 72223. 129. Sh«yi (Gnduate).1602Alma BIvd..Vlln Buren. AR.72956. BOilard Brittney (Senior).S-tll UVE OAK DR.. Smithton. IL 62285·3144, 51. BoW • Jeff (Graduat.).20S St.Andrews. Harrison.AII.. 72601. BOlOS Brituny E (FreShman). 122 Markwood. Canonlburg.PA. ISlI7, 107. Boise Krystle F (Senior). nos Paddock Oll:le, Flower Mound.TX, 75022. S I. 206. 207. 24... Bo linger Kenneth R.ay (G...duate). 603 Gnnde Court. Siloam Springs.AR. 7276 1. Bollinl Howard Fronk (Sophomore). 21aI Waterloo Circle. Lawrenceville. GA.l()(}43·1962. 107.224. 277. Bollinger Aimee Lyn (Gnduate). 2002 Park Ave. Searcy. AR. 721043. Bolton Undsay M (Frelhman). 3-40 La Quinu Cir N. Keller. TX.76H8.107. Bommer Noron L (Freshlmn), 7448Ahem Court, Saint louis. MO.61130. 107.278. .."" Carla Daphne (Gndwte). I 1086 N.Hwy 170. FarmiAJton.AR. 72730. Tyler l (Junior)."9OJ Driftwood Drive. liverpool. NY. 13066.90.257. Bonds BerniCi (Graduate). 15-4 County Une Rd.. Clinton, AR.720)1. Cynthia A (PoSt Baccalaure.Jte). 867 Heatl>er CIIl:I•. Conway.AR. 7203". Bonne r Ashley Suunne (Groduate). 830.. Leatrice Drive. Little Rod<.AR. 72227. Megan Renee (Grad~.te), 81 Sonner Lane. Nashville.AR. 71852. Bonte mpo lisa Ann (Gnduate).2102 S. Flnt Streit. Cabot. AII..720ll. Bont....ger Daniel R OUtlior). -%18 29th St. Lubbock.TX. 79<410. .~, Amand;. (Senior). 27 Roosevek SUI2. Revere, MA, 02151,253. Heidi Renee (Sophornot-e).27 Roosevelt Street. Revere, MA,021 51. 90. 253. Booker Heatl>er E(Senior). 1712 County Rd. 1600 N.. Ro<onoke, IL. 61561,51. Bookwalter uun>. (PoSt Bacc:alaureate). 119 N Sawmill.Searcy, AR.7lIH Booky Audn L (Senior). P,O. Bo~ H9. Klnnur,WY. 82516.51. 199. 201. 22~. 237. Boone Edward H (Sufi), 127 Coles Lane. Searcy.AR. 7lIH John A (Staff). 2909 E Moore StApt. 10.... Seall:Y. AR.721~3. Katherine E (Graduate). 293 Ranchette Vlg. Lp.. Se'rcy,AR.721"3 Booth De,i"", J (Sophomore), 211 Irene Avenue, Moriarty. NM. 87035. Morgan L (Senior), ..620 Hunter Cir. Chatunooga, TN.370415. 51,2n.H~. Timothy A (Freshman). 5 I<to Sunlet'Drive, Pall tine, IL 60067. Boozer Taw Renee (Gnduate). 107 Ouncon Rd.Gun:lon. ARJI7H Bon:he... Anna II. (Sophomore).6000SunnyOale. Clarkston. MI.''83046.107. Bartelt Joshua 0 Uunior). I586-4W 11th Avenue, Golden, CO.80101.M. Sinh L(Freshman). I586-4W IlthAve.Golden. CO.80101, 107, 191. Boroughs Antie Dennin (Gndoate). 1105 Ridgewood. Russeliville.AR.72801. Borre' April Brooke (G...dlJ3.te). 115 8. Chiliwood, Sherwood.AR. 72120. Borsheim Van",,, (Sophomore).8815 N Atlas Rd. Hl)'den. 10.83835·7679.38. 130.271. .~, v"ml Dee (Stafl). IH March Cove.Se.rcy.AII.. 721"1.155. Boswell W inona L(Freshman). 1610 Parksi&!T...~. Lewis';lIe.TX.7S077. Bourde..u Ron T (Sophomore). 3 Pine St.BaIdwin•.;IIe. NY. 13027.251.272. Boute n Meredith (5C1ff). 104 Lambert Cir.Surcy.AlI.. 721 ..3.155. Bowdle' Ashley Nicole (Gn.""ate). 1160 fan 5ute Hwy. 239, Blytl>eville.AR. 7231 5. ._" Andru Michelle (Senior). 17223 Tama...ck Dr.. Williamsport. MD. 21795·1602. 5 I. 253. Jerri Beth (G....duate). 915 Jackson 16. Newport. AR.72112 ShailerA (Freshman). 1"00 Elmwood Drive. H~ntSville,AL. 35801. 107. 2~7. Bowie Brittney Leigh (Sophomore). 1)02 Hawks Hili Road. NewWindsor. Mo. 21776,90. 2"7, IH Bowles Sonnie (Graduate). PO Sox 393. Forest. LA. 712-42. Jason M (Senior), 513 South Maple, Searcy.AR. 721"3,177. Bowling Jerry (faculty).9 Barksdale. Searcy.AII.. 721 ..3. 1~7. 198 William Robert (G...duate), -401 E. Booth, Searcy. AlI..72I"3.216. Bowman Jillianne N (Sophomore). 8~1 8runellow Ave.Las Veg;.s. NY,89123.90. 248. .~" james Brandon (Gnduate).-400 E lincoln Ave. Surcy.AR. 72IH .~ T:ayIor (Junior). 13515 Gnnite Rock Dr.Chantilly. VA20151.130. Boyce Matt I (Freshman). PO So)( 171.lbld Knob.AR. 72010. Two firefighters from the Searcy Fire Department walk near the Mclnteer bUilding inspecting the area to dete rmine the air quality after an electrical problem occurred in the Pryor-England Science Center on Jan. 27. The electrical fallure caused hyd rogen sulfide gases to be released into the building and caused the power to go out in several other buildings and dorms on campus. -Jon Byron