2006-2007 Yearbook

Balancing our pursuit of God, dreams College is such an exciting time in our lives. It's a time when many of us step out for the first time on our own; it's a time when we really start to examine who we truly are; it's a time when we can chase after any dream that is out there. These are some of the reasons why our college years are some of the most memorable years of our lives. As I look upon my time at Hardjng, I've realized how many opportunities there are for us to chase after our dreams. Whether it be the classes that get us closer to our degree, the campaigns and overseas programs that help us ben er understand who we are and what the world is like, or the organizations that will help us professjonally, we have the (Ools before us to do whatever we want. But while we chase after our dreams, there is one thing we cannot forget: to chase after God's heart. It's a hard thing (0 do - balancing our goals and dreams with doing God's will - but it's when we truly pursue God's hean and will that we will be complete. As Matthew 6:2 1 says, "For where your treasure is, there your hean will be also." David is known as a man after God's heart, and there is a reason for this. Even though he was successful and was the king of Israel, he still spem time praising God and developing a relationship with Him. David wasn't perfect.1-Ie fell many times, especially when he put himself first and tried to pursue worldly treasures. But what's special abom David is he realized that he could not be successful withom having a relationship with God. God will never leave you as you cominually seek him. "Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you," Psalms 9: 10. I hope as you read this now and in the years (0 come that you cominue (0 chase after your dreams; but also chase after God's hean as you grow and mature as a child of God. As Andrew Peterson sang in, "The Chasing Song," "God knows the only time I'm winning is when I'm chaSing Him." -Cynthia Noah, editor in chief Jamming to Guitar Hero II, sophomore Randall Gabriel performs as he plays the PlayStation 2 game at the 2007 Talent Show in the Benson Auditorium on Feb. 16. Talent Show participants were judged in a similar fashion as participants on American Idol with Dr. Brian Bush, assistant dean of students. Lori Sloan, assistant professor of marketing, and Chuck Hicks. assistant professor of music, acting as Randy. Paula and Simon, respectively. -Chelsea Roberson