During their halftime performance Nov. 27, junior Blaze Chapman is lifted by freshman Bethany Blackburn, and sophomores Nikki Oakes and Carrine Snyder in a full extension. Though the excitement was high at basketball games, the girls were able to do more tumbling during the football season. -Chelsea Roberson Row 1: B. Chapman, J. Graul. Row 2: H. Threm, L. Weeks, A. Millican. Row 3: C. Snyder, K. Mitchell, T. Goyne, N. Oakes. Row 4: S. McVay, H. Light, A. Clarke, B. Blackburn, J. Carroll. • 80 athletics After making a pyramid at the Oct. 28 football game, sophomore Shanna McVay drops into the craddle. "Football games are more about cheers whereas at the basketball games we just try to get the crowd going," freshman Haley Light said. -Chelsea Roberson