2006-2007 Yearbook

.. ' •. • .. , Chatting before their meal begins,Walton scholars sophomores Beranguelly Pagoada, Lucy Velasquez and Ulises Corona enjoy the dinner at President David Burks' house Sept. 28 that was held forWalton Scholars. Harding was one of three church of Christ universities thatWalton students attended. -Amber Bazargani Focusing on their game, freshman Michael Walker and junior Todd Sparks compete during a game of Dance Dance Revolution on May 28 at a local arcade in Northhampton . England. Walker, an international student from England, enjoyed visitingwith fellow Harding students during their summer campaign to his hometown in England. -Courtesy of Erin Starnes • f » • • • .. - • iI • , _-.L~ student life - • •• • • .. ~' -- • • • • • •