2006-2007 Yearbook

During the fall semester concert series, Tyler Hilton sings the song "Last Promise" on Aug. 25 for students in the Benson Auditorium. According to Zach Neal, director of campus life, between 900 and 1,000 people attended the concert, which started after the SA Kick·off Party. -Chelsea Roberson Competing for their dorms Oct. 10, senior Joe Morgan, junior Adam Parker. seniors Jacob Bevridge and Brandon Stone, and freshmen Antwan Thomas and Kent Sheldon concentrate during the Quiz Bowl competition of the HUD Cup Tourna· ment.The HUD Cup was a competition throughout the year between the dorms with each competition adding points to each dorm,and the dorm with the highest number of points was the winner. -Chelsea Roberson Relaxing in the shade, freshmen Jennifer Fedor, Kelcy Kitson and Ashley Townsend eat hamburgers and cookies during the tailgate party before the Bisons football game Sept. 9. Food was provided by Aramark and Foxfire Band played for entertainment. -Amber Bazargani campus activities 2~_J