2006-2007 Yearbook

B D TH UATAln Activity directors work out function dilemmas 5 acial clubs on campus were created to promote unity and recreation. One way of doing so was club fu nctions. From formal di nners to rock climbing, fu nctio ns served as a way to enjoy a rime of fellowsh ip among members and friends. However, accordingw some activi ties direcWfS for clubs, planning funCtions sometimes proved ro be troublesome. Planning functions included such tasks as fi nding venues, T-shirt primers, sorting through guest lists and making sure sponsors were available for the event. As activities direccof for Regina, sophomore JoAnna Dockery said keeping in communication wi th everyone was difficul t at rimes. Dockery also said possible problems could have occurred when tryi ng to plan how much food to have before knowing exactly how many people would attend; also, she said, finding the right T-shi rt manufacturers who were reasonably priced . Because it was Dockery's nrst year as activities director for her club, she said she had not had many pressing issues, bU( was confident she would find some glitches eventuall y. "You just have m keep in mind that everything is nOt going m be perfect," Dockery said. "You have m plan ahead and do your best, but be prepared fo r something to go wrong." Delta Gamma Rho activities direcmr jun ior Megan H itt said she found difficulties while planning her club's blind date function. She said keeping originality while planning the fundion was difficult initially. She and co-acdvities director junior Mary Ashley Callaway decided the members would submit a list ofthree pmemial dates fo r the function to them. From that list, H iu and Callaway chose o ne name fo r each girl and sent him an invitation to the function. The male dates d id nor know which member invited h im, and the member d id nOt know wh ich name the d irectors chose. Before the fun ction, the dates sent a tie to Hiu and Callaway for their dates to wear at the fun ction, which was how they found out who their dates were. Hiu said picking the right guy for the right girl was difficult. Also, she said she found it surprisingly complicated to get T-shirts in order. "Whipping out a design is not as easy as it sounds," Hitt said. "Luckily I have people in my club that are very good with T-shirt designs to help me out." D espite all of the trials Hitt faced, she said it did not dampen her excitement or expectations fo r the funcdon. "I am really looking forward to seeing how it rums out, bur a little nervous at rhe same time" H itt said. "It has been fun planning au( something and seeing people get excited about our idea," -Natalie Lollis Holding apig, freshman Charissa Collins laughs and gets ready for "the chase" at TNT's Pigfest Function at junior Glenn Bush's house Nov. 4. "The best part of the function was when the pig ran into a wood stick and almost broke its nose," freshman John Snyder said. -Courtesy of Adam Smith functions 2i55_9.l"