Working on homework in the student center Oct. 9, senior Chi Sigma Alpha members Andrew bindsay and Ben Downey sport function T-shirts. Part of the social club function tradition was to wear the function shirt to school the day after the function took place. -Chelsea Roberson TRADITion RGE Tri Kappa joins Omega Lambda Chi after 60 years The women ofTri Kappa became a part'ofsocial club O mega Lambda Chi after deciding to disband in the spring of2006. Senio r Charlotte Rodgers, Tri Kappa's final president, said the disin– regration of the club had been evident for the past few years. Despite the difficulties rhe members ofTri Kappa we re going th rough, Rodgers said there were a few members who intended co stay active. "I happened co be one of the ones who wanted to give it a last shot," Rodgers said. "Unfortunately, it failed." The club had made it to its 60th year anniversary, which had encouraged Rodgers to try to keep Tri Kappa alive. However, she said she believed Tri Kappa was disbanded at the righr moment. Sophomore Kacey Young. formerTri Kappa member, said the troubles they faced as a club made it difficult for her to enjoy her time as a member. Neverthe– less, she said it was a good decision to join with Omega Lambda Chi. "Omega Lambda Chi is a wonderful club full of sweet girls," Young said. "[Merging] juSt happened to be what was best for both social clubs." Rodgers said Omega Lambda Chi was going through some of the early stages of what Tri Kappa went through before their demise. _11."56 social clubs "We joined Omega Lambda Chi to reach our and help their club build up," Rodgers said. "Omega Lambda Chi may be a fairly new club compared to Tri Kappa, but once a club has come into existence and has established tradicions . and history, there's no reason for it to die out." Former vice president ofTri Kappa, graduate student Jennifer Dickinson, said their traditions as a club were not necessarily a priority to keep when the existence of the club was in danger. "None ofour traditions carried over into [Omega Lambda Chi]," Dickinson said. "We would be under the umbrella ofthe name [Omega Lambda Chi] , but Tri Kappa still existed for the time. After the spring semester, however, anything that had anything to do with Tri Kappa ceased to exist. We wanted to officially become Omega Lambda Chi members at that point." Rodgers said despite the abandonment ofhisrory and traditions ofTri Kappa, the members were able to add more life to the sisters of Omega Lambda Chi. "It's our responsibility to uphold that history and unfortunately Tri Kappa was nOt able [0 do that," Rodgers said. "But out of our ashes we can help our sisters in Omega Lambda Chi. That is why we chose them and joined them." -Manuel Tourlay