2006-2007 Yearbook

Starting the rally, sophomore Delta.Gamma Rho member KimberlyWestmorelan,........... serves in the A-team club volleyball championship against Shantih on OCt. 26 in the GanusAthletic Center. The ladies of Delta Gamma Rho won first place in the volleyball championship. -Amber Bazargani PI THET.A~ HI Row I: B.Pade.J. McDaniel. L. jernigan,C. Beagle. A. Moore,j. Macke. A.Wiegand. Row 2: A Royse, A. Hassell. M. Stutzman. M. Watson. j. Harguess. L. Perry. M. Richardson. L. Wise. L. Wilkinson. K. Ashley.S.Smith,ATappe. K. Estepp,C. Duncan,T.Smith. Row 3: A.Volkman.K. Brazle. M.Tanksley. R. Norris. A McCall. S. Cox. B. Davidso n, J. Lemmons. A. Gerber. M.Wright. E.Wisely. K. Phillips. T. Stewart. Row 4: J. Lemons, A. Fraser. M. Jacob, A.Townsend.J. Martin. H. Mitchell, L. Smith. E. Adams, R. Geddie, M.Watson. A. Craig. S. Myers. B. Davis, A. Howard, L. Greek. Row 5: L. Clayton, B. Holder, K. Bills, M. Birdwell.]. Bentley, N. Heffington, R.Walters. E. Poe,j. Deitch. Making a layup during a (-team basketball game, Pi Kappa Epsilon freshman Adam Bingman plays against Alpha Tau on Feb. 13 in the Ganus Athletic Center. Basketball, along with softball, swim and track meets, formed part of the club athletic program for the spring semester. -Jon Byron REGln.A~ Row I: B. Downey, K. Thomason, j. Ellis, S. Crowder, S. Shaban, J. Azarcoya, D. Stang, E. Hermann, C. Spruell. K. Hewitt. A. Sofio. Row 2: L. Smith, B. Bates,V. Chinam, K. Coss, J. Thrapp. K Boatman, H.Walker. M. Hitt, H. Huckeba, H. Pruitt. Row 3: A. McConnell. B. Moshier. A Bowen, C. Davis, T. Steward, A. Esposito, D. Rubin. H. Simmons. Row 4: R. Martin, H. Newberry, B. Sherman. K. Coffey, H. Book. J. Dockery, 1: Denison, J.Moul. Row 5: J. Hughes, D. Chance. A Book, R. Haynes. A. Undsay, S. McFadden. athletics 25 •