2006-2007 Yearbook

Bowing in reverence, Beta Omega Chi members senior Joel Adams, sophomore Brett Petrillo, junior Brian Jones and sopho– more Gavin LaFave pray Oct. 5 on the Administration building steps. The men of Beta Omega Chi met everyThursday morning for a time of prayer followed by breakfast. -Jon Byron EAR Men's social club together in morning devo The spiriruallife directors of Be£a Omega Chi wanted to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood within their social club. They found a way to do just thar: meeting together on Thursday mornings for a devotional followed by breakfast. "We wanted to explore ways to discover God, and one of those ways was to wake up and start the day offwith a prayer and breakfast feeding on spirimal food as well as physical food," junior Brian Jones, spirimallife director said. "It was a good way to form bonds within our group." Every Thursday morning, the men of Beta Omega Chi began meeting on the steps of the Administration building. "Prayer is our main thing; we read from Psalms because they are basically prayers from David," Jones said. "Then we talk about rhe Psalm and what it means to us and then pray about the Psalm and [pray] for each other." The spiritual life directors of BOX wanted to do more than just lead devotionals and prayers at meetings; they said they wanted something more meaningful. "We wanted to have a reason to meet other than for announcements and meetings, but actually have a reason to pray together and get to know each IOTA~ CHI Row 1: N. May. M. Perring, D. Caceres, M. Suliivan,T. Riggs. Row 2: M.Truax, L. Hunter, C. Bristow. L. Blackburn, A. Bingman,J. Berry. Row 3: B. Brock,T. Osborne, L. Mitchell. K. Langston, L. Sheets, R. Hooper, A. Roberts.J. Cutshall, A. Dowler. Row 4: K. Kuwitsky,J.Taylor, E. Brothers, A. Dougan, S. Bay, C.Austelle, A. Ricks. R. Adams, C. Oliver,T. English, A. Cruz. Row 5: G. Gowan (sponsor), K. johns,j.Womble, S.loehman, C.Woods,S. Spencer, M. Bankston, C. Oliver, L. Ferrell, R. Gonzalez, K. Fry. Row 6:J. Bowman. N. Stancill. R. Kelley, A. Hunter, S.Thornton, B.Winborn, K. Heid, E. Doom. K. Anderson, R. Rose. _1L.L~8 social clubs A'r'ER other better," junior Andy Frazier, a spiritual life director, said. Meeting for scripture reading and prayer was one way for them to build on the club's foundation. "It puts a spiritual focus on our dub," senior Andrew Howell said. The leaders of Be,a Omega Chi, which was established in 2005, decided the best way to establish brotherhood within their club was uniting under Christ. "We didn't want to just have a group of guys that call themselves BOX: We wanted a group of brothers," Jones said. Achieving brotherhood was the whole idea behind the Thursday morning meetings. Members said the meetings accomplished one of the goals of brotherhood: encouragement. Senior member Andrew Howell said seeing the guys in the morning was a great start for the day. "I have found the devotionals very helpful and really encouraging." Howell said. "It makes my day better and gets me more excited to go about the day. Seeing (he guys in the morning that I don't get to see a lot during the day and getting together to pray is really encouraging to me." -Sarah Cummings ~U=---..;G=O~\h~-=-'f~u Row I: C. Cochran. L. Busby,T. Sivia, K. Garner, C. Costolo. C. Quattlebaum, M. Binns. Row 2: K. Mitchell, H. Henderson, A.Wilson. B. Chapman, A. Blansett. Row 3: B. Henderson, A. Haynes, S. Craft, A. Adams,T. Knight, L. Reese. Row 4: A. Millican, K. Chambers, J. Carroll, L. Tankersley, E. Burroughs. A. McDougald, M. Ingram. M. Reese, A. Augsburger. Row 5: E. Gardner, T. Glover, S. Parker. A. Meiners,T. Dobbs.j. Pentecost, G. Ramirez, D. Dority. A. Hazelip. Row 6: B.Todd,J. Car– roll, L. Mondich,J. Sears,T. Gardner, A. Hurst, A. Russell, A. Hopkins. Row 7: A. Stanley, E. Heyen, C. Hill, M. Richey, B. Baker, A. Reynolds. A. Standridge.