2006-2007 Yearbook

Slam dunking the basketball, freshman Titans prospective Russell Woods par– ticipates in the Titans slam dunk mixer held in the gymnastics room of the Ganus Athletic Center on Aug. 31. The mixer also included a lay-up contest among the club queens. -Amber Bazargani Smiling after his victory, senior Steven Wilson, member of Beta Omega Chi, celebrates at Beta Omega Chi's boxing mixer Sept. 4 on the intramural fields. The social club hosted other mixers such as a "slip-n-slide" and a barbecue followed by an A-team softball game. -Jon Byron DELTA~ GAmmA RHO Row I: M. McCoy, C. Morton.J.Terry, D. Huguenard. Row 2: N. Green. C. Rose, M. Hallee, C. Noah, L. Nave, C. Prestridge, N. Snider, L. Gr,<JCe. L. Brown, K. Dear, N. Cave, L. Galloway. Row 3: J. Merrill, M. Barcus, L. Blount, M. Lynn, R. McKinzie, A. Smith,J.Welker,J.jesus, S. Hug, L. Osborne, G. Smith, H.Witt. Row 4: M. Pruitt. S. Frazier, K. Owens, M. Hitt, L. Caldwell, M. Hayes, A. Roberts, M. Stewart,S.Yarbrough, H. Herbert, B. Strate. Row 5: L. Dowdy, A.Wiginton, P. Blackwell,T. Mays. H. Steger, K. Rogers, S. Guglielmo. K.Westmoreland, N. Gay, B. Bowie.j. Davis, M. Callaway. Row 6: A. Santa Ana, S. Carr, C. Hornbeck, K. DeAtley, C.Terry,j. Queen, A. Green. S. Mack,). Bankston, L. Walle, H. Steger, M.Terry. M.Walker, R. Gould. Row 7: E. Hauptli, S. Gillepsie, S. Bowen, L. Casey. D. Baker. R. Lathrop, S. Butler, A. Taylor, M. Calderon,T. Lauterbach. K.Allen, N. Hewes. GAmmA~ SIGmA PHI Row I: L.lzard,j. Brown, K. O'Neil, C. Gemma. Row 2: D. Caceres,j. LaBello, B.Wilkinson, D. Fabrizio. j.Yersosa, C. Copeland. Row 3: T. Marrs, C. Flynn,]. Hawk,j. Dougan. B. Coggins, A. Henry. Row 4: M. Sullivan, S. Marx. M. Fittz, B. Bailey, F: Collier, K. Carlton,T. Haas. Row 5: M. McCormick, A. Davis, A. Griffin,j. Gemma,j.jones,j. Caner,). Hodges, M. Leroy. Row 6: R. Gabriel. D. Canady.j. Buzhardt. B. Moore, B. Smith. M. Beck. Row 7:j. Mahaffey, D.Winnett, B. Freeman.J. Blair, L. Matthews. GATA~ Row I: H. Baxter,). Renzelman, L. Douglass, A. Robert, L. Berry. R. Castile, W. Brown, A. Moore. Row 2: B. Hill, K. Hill, R.Wiliiams, S.Toiliion, B.Tankersley, S. McFann, D.johnson. Row 3:j. Knight, E.Yaeger. K. Moore, K. Masters,]. Moore. C. Seely, K. Martin, D.Tate. mixers 24lLo1.....