2006-2007 Yearbook

ICE AEAHEAS Prospective members dress up for club mixers [J uring the fall semester, social clubs opened their doors to many people who were interested in becoming members. One of the tlrst steps to join a club was attending mixers. Mixers served as reunions for old members of the club and was a creative way to meet new candidates. Chi Omega Pi held four different mixers. In one, prospcnive members dressed to represent their home states. In another, members and visiw[s pictured themselves in 2016 and dressed accordingly. Laura Gilbert, vice president of Chi Omega Pi, said the visitors and members liked the themes ofthe mixers because so many of the members enjoyed dressing up. She said dressing up for a mixer made (he process easier because the visitors were more open and weren't ineimidaced. "When you dress up you wane [0 stand out but you don't wane [0 be [00 crazy," Gil ben said. Gilben said another dress up mixer Chi Omega Pi hosted was "the speed dating" mixer, where members dressed as men and visitors dressed as women and ineerviewed each other for a shan while and then switched dates. Due to the success of the mixer, they considered making it inw a tradition. lata Chi chose "Saved by the Bell" as a theme for one of the mixers and had members dressed as a character from the show and visitors wore early 90s attire. Katherine Mitchell, vice presidene oflota Chi, said she came up with the idea while watching the show. ~ Another Iota Chi mixer was named 'th ink pink.' Members wore all pink and visitors wore only one pink item. Mitchell said the visitors were more ineeractive and they panicipated more than they would have if they had not dressed up. Freshman Jillianne Bowman anended several mixers. She said she was nervous but excited at (he same time when she went [0 all of the mixers to meet different people. " [Dressing] up lets the members of the club know if the visi[Ors are willing [0 dress up, to go out of the limit and do something crazy [0 get in the club," Bowman said. Junior Lauren Tish anended a Chi Omega Pi mixer that involved kickball and said she liked that it allowed her [0 interact more with the members in a way besides simply talking. Tish said to dress up for a mixer provided an ice breaker for conversation that gave her wpies [0 talk about with the members of the club. -Martha Aguilar 1IC246social clubs Acting like pirates, junior Chi Kappa Rho member Jessie Fulks and freshman prospective member Rachel Sawyer cross swords at the Chi Kappa Rho pirates mixer held in the Mclnteer Rotunda on Aug. 29.The pirate theme was a common idea other social clubs, including Shantih and Delta Gamma Rho, used for their mixers. -Amber Bazargani