2006-2007 Yearbook

Showing club .pride, fres hman Ko Jo Kai inducting member Heather Turner leads the "Kojie Rumble," a traditional cheer of Ko Jo Kai on Oct. 17 in the stu– dent center. Ko Jo Kai's inducting membe rs were nicknamed babybugs and were considered ladybugs once they had completed Club Week. -Amber Bazargani CHI SIGmA~ ALPHA Row I: A. Combs. Row 2: B. Stratton. D. Stling. R. Martin.j.Thrapp. K. Boatman. M. Milne<". Row l: D. Esposito. J. Stein. l.l.acefield.T. Hughes. C. Kirt.. Row 4: C. Yoakum, C. Swafford. j. PertCe, B. Beeson, J. Kellett. T. lybrand. Row S: C. Goodman. N. May. R.West. A Undsay. B. Downey. c.Jumper. Row 6: C.Williams,j. Mal<Wel', C. Holmes. R. ScOtt. G. Green. Row 7: D. Scheid.J. Russ. J.Tapley, T. Hendri)(.J. Fry. Row 7: M.Canterbury, R. Kraus, F' Di)(on. C. Kraus. B.Grace, B.Yaeger.1. Bailey. S.leonard.A Sofia, L Smith. Singing as a group, the new inducting members and o ld dub members of Ju Go Ju chant in the Ganus Athletic Center on Oct. 19 before All Club Devo. The Ju Go Ju cutie pies were required to wear a purple bow and purple attire as part of their Club Week traditions. -Jon Byron .DELTA.:........:C=H...:;;I~.h~=-= i DELTA Row I: B. Holden. A. Miner, A. hposito, C. Girouard. Row 2: D. Crowell. B. Crowell. P. Cottrell. L Rodriguez. B. Bridges. Row l: N. Skank. G. Parks, K.Jensen, A l ee.J.Vines. R. Hinojosa. Row 4: S.Wood. B.Waldrop. H. Howard,J. Dean, ADor>ey. club week 24 •