2006-2007 Yearbook

Down on their knees, freshmen Brock Gandy, Bobby Carr, Noah Johnson and Daniel Conniff, BOX inductees, sing to their queen junior Michal Watson and junior Alexis Gentry in the student center Oct. 18. BOX inductees were required to seek out their queens and give them a rose every day. -Amber Bazargani CHI LAmBDA~ CHI Row I: J. Gehrich. A.Johnson. J. Eckman. W. Johnson. Row 2: C, Brownlow, M. Walton. K. Queen. J. Spillman. Row J: J. Stacy.).Johnston.). Garrison. K.Timmins. Row 4: D. Morissey,J.Spillman.B.Standifer. Q. Menyweather,j.Stewart. tl:CB4 social clubs CHI OmEG~ PI Row I: M.Mortland.K. O 'Neil.). Nash. M.Booth. B. Glover. L Reeder. K. Pevahouse, B.Walker, K. Boise. A. Raibley, C. Stanford. E. Harbour. Row 2: A. Sain, R.Thomas, L. Gilbert, B.light. K. Bray.). Br"u"r, M. Lod"n,j. Scholu. H.Cusic, K Proctor.L.Jackson.M.Thompson.J. Guidry. Row l : G. Novar.A.laRoche.C Sanzon", K.Parker, L. Cox, M.McCubbin, K. Keetch. K. Slatton,T. Winslow. M. Morris. L. Ward. K. Kerby, E.Williams. K. Studivan, Row 4: J.Younger. E.Younger. A. Gentry. CJones.). Brown. L. Durfee. S. McCormic. B. Carter. S.Ward, C. Nowlin, M. Celsor. M. Fabry, K. Kit'lon, L. Snyder, L. Colston. Row S: G. LaFave, C Engel. K. Gibson.T. Bragg. A. Miskel,A. Henry. S.Worley. A. Dill. D. Canady. L.Tish, K.Vaughan. R. Handley,J. Cope. Row 6: H. Plexico.A. Reely. L.lzard.