2006-2007 Yearbook

aspirations of adirector Who'sWho student shoots to be in film industry For Who's Who senior Matthew Hewes, behind the camera was where he flourished. Hewes produced and directed a short film called "Desperation lOOMG" to submir ro film festivals, adding another credential to his already long resume. "1£ is the biggest film project ever mken on by a student here at school, and 1 hope to jump start a bigger interest in film-style production at Hard– ing," Hewes said. "There have been dozens of people contributing to the project, and in the end, let's JUSt say the credits will be pretty long for a short film." But Hewes' ambitions were bigger than just producing and directing a short film. After graduation he planned to move to Los Angeles to find work in the television or film industry. "Hopefully the film will be a good portfolio piece fo r me in addition to everyone who was involved in it," Hewes said. Hewes majored in electronic media and business management hoping it would increase his chances of having a bigger career in the film industry and having a firmer grasp on what was going on in the industry. "I am a business major because I want to be able to succeed in the entertainment industry," H ewes said. "It is extremely business oriented, and I don't want to get los( in the mix." He also said the major studios in Los Angeles were owned by larger corporations and there was virtually no way to get arollnd the need to have a general knowledge of business. "In television and film development and producing, it is almost all business," Hewes said. "But it is a eype of business mat allows you to be creative. T hat's what I like." In April 2006, Hewes wok twO summer imernships: one wi th Craveni Maddalena Films (" Red Eye") and anorher wirh Spirfire Pictures ("The Wedding Planner"). At both internships, he read submitted scripts and passed on the ones he thought shoulCI be considered for development or production. ''At Spitfi re Pictures, I was given more ofan ability to contribute ideas," Hewes said. "I even suggested names for upcoming films." Hewes began his schooling with the intentions ofmajoring in engineering and business, but got involved with TV-16 his freshman year. He credited the communication department and television statio n for jumpstarting his imerest in production. "It was a great experience because it gave me an opportunity to get a general knowledge of the world of television and film production," Hewes said. "And I would not have been offered the internships I was had I not been involved in so much production my first three years of schooL" -Krystle Boise Senior Matthew Hewes laughs with graduate Laura Kaiser during Wednesday Night Bible study at Professor of Political Science Dr. Mark Elrod's house April 12. Hewes attended Elrod's Bible study during his four years at Harding. -Courtesy of Mark Elrod Reviewing the playback. Matthew Hewes listens to the dialogue and checks the sCript from a scene shot at the White County Courthouse on Feb. 25. Hewes produced and directed a short documentary during his senior year that he submitted to film festivals. -Chelsea Roberson al~,hjL,!!Q O'S who 23~