2006-2007 Yearbook

Junior Lindsay Reese sits in the Reynolds Recital Hall during the Alpha Chi induction Feb. 18. ''I'm glad to have been invited to join Alpha Chi, and I was amazed to hear the future plans of the other inductees," Reese said. -Courtesy of Undsay Reese asociety of scholarship Alpha Chi honors high academic achievements Harding prized rhe excellem scholarship of her srudems since she was established in 1924. Acco rding to College Board, 75 percent of smdems ar Harding were in rhe cop half of rheir high school graduadng class. But only an e1ire group of scholars on campus was invired CO join rhe Alpha Chi Narional College Honor Society. Alpha Chi, a general honor sociecy, admined scudems ofall academic diSciplines since irs inceprion in 1922. Membership was limired co rhe top 10 percent of any institucion's junior and senior-level studems. Senior broadcasr journalism major Emily Currie and junior broadcast journalism major Lindsay Reese were inducted inco Alpha Chi this year, making them a parr of [he Arkansas Eta chapter. "It was an honor (Q be invited to join Alpha Chi," Currie said. "I'm excited abom the opportunities my membership will provide for me after graduation.'" Reese said her invitation co join Alpha Chi was an honor, and she was happy to follow in the footsteps of her older sister, 2006 graduare and Alpha Chi member Carrie Reese. 36 organizations "My sister was inducted to Alpha Chi while she was at Harding," Reese said. "She worked hard co get her invitation, and I was proud when she received it, and now she can be proud of me (Qo." The honor sociecy awarded more (han $45,000 in individual scholar– ships and fellowships each year. Senior adverrising major Jackie Thrapp, who had been a member of the Arkansas Era chapter ofAlpha Chi since she was a junior, was awarded one of rhe Alfred H. Nolle Scholarships. "To earn rhe scholarship, I had to come up wirh a project idea and fill out an application," Thrapp said. "I'll be us ing the scholarship to help payoff my mition." Alpha Chi members were held to a high standard ofacademic excellence and the highesr levels of integricy among college students. For Currie, the distinction was borh humbling and empowering. "MyAlpha Chi membership will open doors," Currie said. "Bm i[ also gives me a sense of personal pride along with humilicy when I see [he accomplishments of ocher members." -Krystle Boise