2006-2007 Yearbook

Concentrating on their hands, seniors Erik Schramm and DeJuan Patton partici– pate in the spades tournament Oct. 13 in the student center. The Student Associa– tion gave the winners of the tournament a cash prize of $1 00. -Chelsea Roberson • RTAIN Trying to beat their opponents to the buzzer, sophomores Trey Rickman and Claire Austelle and senior Timothy Michael compete in the game Thinkfast on Sept. 28 in the student center. The game show asked the contestants trivia questions and the winner received a cash prize. -Jon Byron New director of campus life brings variety to school There was a new face this year in the Office of Student Life. Zach Neal, director of campus life, took over the position left by Dustin Vyers after a career in youth ministry. According to Neal, the Campus Activities Board mem.bers helped him ease into his new role. "Experienced students in CAB have made my transi tion fairly smooth," Neal said. "The whole staffand faculty have helped me grow into the position. . Dustin Vyers also left me a very detailed guidebook of everything expected. The deans have also been golden in helping me." The CAB sought to offer students a wide range ofentertainment options this year. "Our goal is to provide as many types of entertainment as possible," Neal said. "During the course of the year we strive to have different styles of music offered in bands, novelty acts like jugglers and hypnotists, game shows, movies of all kinds, and then entertainment mixed in that will cost the student nothing." CAB members had different avenues to choose which activities would be the most popular with students. "We check the pulse on Facebook, post a sign-up sheet in the office for suggestions and listen to general feedback after any given event to make sure we are meeting as many needs as possible," Neal said. According to Neal, one popular event this year that elicited a positive ......-.<,0 student life audience response was comedian juggler Mark Nizer's performance. The CAB also purchased a karaoke machine, which many different groups on campus used for events. Senior Corey McEntyre, director of CAB, said CAB members this year tried to have activities that students would want to stay on campus for and be excited about. As CAB director, McEntyre said he worked with Neal and fellow directors senior Mary Beth Mortland and junior Chris Fulks to plan events. He also helped put calendars together, designed The Pass and marketed products and ideas to students. McEntyre said the CAB was always open to new ideas, and he hoped more students would offer their suggestions fot which activities it should plan. "We really will consider every suggestion," McEntyre said. "We'll always check things out to see if it's possible." Neal said his goal was for the voice of the students to always be heard and for students to feel like they had a say in choosing activities. "My door is always open, and I am always open to suggestions," Neal said. Besides having Nizer, the CAB also hosted Tyler Hilton as well as Robert Randolph and the Family Band in concert, had movie nights in the Benson Auditorium and had game nights and tournaments throughout the year. -Jennifer Merrill