2006-2007 Yearbook

Circle K Row I: L. Ramlru. K. Ma$ters. Row 2: J. Ellis, r.Aurcoya. R. Rodriguez. B.Thr.lsher.J. Dean. Jesus Project Row I: J. Chavez, J. Castro. G, Ramirez. G. Gonzalez. M. Aguilar. E. Garcia. Row 2: D. Saborie. C. Contreras. P. Oropin, D.Alvarado. E. Estrada. F. Miron. Row 1: I. Gomez, LVelasquez. A. Manuel. E.Juarez.C.Hidalgo,G.Velazquez. K. Mayo'll. C. Cardona. Row": M. Mor.l, It Hernandez,W. Romero. L. Gutierrez. R. Guerrero. Educating For Life Row I: P. Oropin. D. CaITtllZll. 8. Pagoada. C.Anlune:r.. Row 1: R. Guerrero. L. Rodriguez. B.Jaen. L. Rodriguez. L-.....r234 organizatio-l)s Sophomore Monica lane visits with women at Harding Place during a Joy Club tea party Nov. II .The women ofJoy Club strove to maintain a spiritual attitude and develop as servants of Christ. -Courtesy of Gwendolyn Scott Senior Carl McAfee gives blood Jan. 29 during a blood drive administered by the American Red Cross and sponsored by Circle K. The international club provided an opportunity for service leadership among communities. -Jonathan lindsay