2006-2007 Yearbook

Senior Brittany Pade and junior Kristin Mitche ll discuss a presentation at a mixer Oct. S with Kappa Omic ron Nu, and the Family and Consumer Sciences and Dietetics Clubs. "I thought it was a really good opportunity to get to know each other," sophomore Brenna Griffen, member of FCS, said. -Courtesy of Liz McDowell Junior Gedanken member Cortney Owen teaches Mrs. Wilson's fourth grade class at Sidney Deener Elementary about different types of soil March 29. Later in the class period, the students. along with the hel p of several Gedanken members, experimented with the soils. -Courtesy of Megan Easterly Gedanken Row I: T. Karch, C. Owen. E.Wilson (sponsor), C.Winstead, M. Easterly, S. Houston, S. Christensen, B. Sterry. Row 2: T. Hoffmann. S. Eudaly, J. Eichom. K. Harkness, D. Ashley, N. Bohr. Row 1: T. Kerr, C.Williams. J. Kennemer. M. Bush, P. Bobrowski, C. Dehart. J. Bean. B.Jones. Row 4: O. Cole (spon– sor), B. Bailey,j. Gemma. C. Bates, C. Quattlebaum, O. Province (sponsor), K. Schramm (sponsor), 8. Hollandsworth. Pi Kappa Delta Row I: S. l ochman.W. Brown, S.Toillion. Row 2: R. Crocker, K.Johns. D. Manes. Family and Consumer Science Row I: l. McDowell.A. Heffington. Row 2: S. leigh, AJones, B. Griffen, l. Gilbert. Row 1: R. Teague (sponsor), D. Fisher. science 231