2006-2007 Yearbook

Celebrating the end of Club Week, senior jason Ballenger performs in the Benson Auditorium during the "Unity" All Club Concert on Oct. 21. Cheyenne Medders and The Michael Douglasers also played at the concert put on by the StudentAsso~ ciation and the Campus Activities Board. -Amber Bazargani student association President encourages students to 'shine like stars' This.year the Srudent .Association offered service projects thar were unique to years prevIOus. When senior Travis Eslinger became SA president in the spring 2006, he began thinking of new ways to get students involved in service. Eslinger's first project allowed students to unload some of their extra meals. Eslinger said he wanted to find a way to get rid of the extra meals that would also serve as a food drive for rhe homeless in Lirde Rock. Students gor to-go boxes in the cafeteria and the SA loaded the food onto a truck that went to Little Rock to serve breakfast to the homeless. When school began last fall, Eslinger informed the student body of the many ways to serve that the SA had decided on. He said he wanted to provide students with unique ways to emulate Christ. Students par– ticipated in service activities such as Harding in Action, the Hair Raiser for Locks of Love and planned a cakewalk in April to support Heifer International. Eslinger said he knew hewanted to bring about new ways ro get smdencs involved and the way ro do that was (Q have unique service projects. "Our goal was to choose events that will make a las ting difference, such as building a new service organization that will last past this year," Eslinger said. About 68 women contribmed to the organization Locks of Love on March 1 by donacing at least 10 inches of their hair to make hairpieces for underprivileged children with long-term medical hair loss. An iJlusionist performed and there was a formal banquet for those donacing hair and ochers who bought cickets to attend. Eslinger wanted [0 create a new record for the "Guinness Book ofWorld Records" by having the largest cakewalk in history planned for April 19. He said there were more than 500 cakes pledged co be donated for the evem. The cost of participation for srudems was $5 and a live bluegrass band was scheduled co play the evem. Harding in Accion was an organization that provided a service oppor– tunity for students to help members ohhe community. Some requests included moving furniture, cleaning houses and painting fences. Searcy resident Pat Moss was so couched by the charitable narure of the students that she wrote a lener [0 Todd Gentry of College Ministry and Outreach. Eslinger read the lener to the smdem body Feb. 23 during chapel, and he expressed how much the program had done for the community. "[Harding in Action] and the people who have volunteered their time have been absolute angels [0 the Searcy community," Eslinger said. "They have been working hard at reaching deep into Searcy, outside of HU comactS, and that has been going great." -Natalie Lollis sa cab & class officers 229