2006-2007 Yearbook

Campus Activities Board Row I: Z. Neal (sponsor), J.Fulks, I. Chambers. J. Honeycutt. D. Spoor. Row 2: A. Bashaw, C. Fulks, C. McEntyre, M. Mortland. Student Association Row .: M.Walker, M. Reese, T. Smith, T. S,via, M.Jones, P. Thomas,AHoward, L. Douglass. D.Chance. Row 1:J. Schroeder, D. Flatt. R. Davenport. C.Walker, K. Estepp. E. Smith, M.Tate, S. McConn, j. Carter, K. Symanowin. Row 3: C.Yoakum, D. Bateman, j. Harguess. C. McCormick, C . McEntyre, T. Eslinger. B.Clifton. Class Officers Row I: C. McEntyre. e.Smith. C.Yoakum,j. Carter. Row 2: D. Flatt, J. Schroeder, R. Davenport. K.Symanowltt. 28 orgal)jzations Student Association President senior Travis Eslinger talks on the phone in his office Dec. 14. Eslinger's theme for his presidency was "Shine like Stars," which came from Daniel 12:3. -Chelsea Roberson Junio r Michael Crouch sings "Livin' La Vida Local' in the student center pit during the Campus Activities Board's Karaoke Night on Jan. 18. "I liked singing that [song] because I knew the words and had studied the music video to get the moves right," Crouch said. -SrockWilliams