2006-2007 Yearbook

aware of human needs Social Work Club serves with hearts, hands Helping others with hand and hearts. For students in the Social Wo rk C lub, this was more than juSt a saying: ir was a motto to live by. Club members were involved in a number of projects during rhe year that helped the Searcy community. Members had opportunities to serve, varying from fund-raisers to helping with Special Olympics. Senior Aaron Beaird was rhe president of {he club during {he fall semester. He said the club objective was to help the community by connecting interested students with service opportunities in the community. During the fall, rhe social wo rk club honored rhe resident of (he month from nursing homes and senior care centers in Searcy. T hey also invited the honored resident to chapel and recognized him or her with an award . On Nov. 4, the club helped with the first Adoption Picnic held in Searcy, in which children from all ages who were in state adoption centers get together wirh families who wanted to adopt a child. T he picnic was held at the Valley Baptist Church. Beaird said the club worked together with Harding in Action and rhe Department of Human Services. Once a month, the DHS held a meeting for fos ter families. During the meeti ng, club membe rs baby-sat for the families. The social work club accepted members of all different majors. Beahd said he joined the dub during his sophomore year. He learned about the club through professors and advertising the club had done for certain projects. Beaird said his favo rite activiry was a social work retreat the officers ofthe club had in Hot Springs, Ark. During the retreat, they learned about different aspects of social work. Senior Lindsey Myers was secrecary of the club during the fall semester. She said one of the great things about rhe club was that people ofall classifications could join. ,t1 Myers said ano ther activity the club helped with was Special Olympics during the spring. Hardi ng hosted the evem and even though club members did nOt plan the Olympics, they helped by doing whatever was asked of them by comminee members. According to Beaird, his involvemem in the Social Work Club enriched his view of the Searcy communi ty as a whole and of its individual members. "Serving other people has given me a bener perspeccive on the communi ty," Beaird said. "It has given me the opportun ity to get involved with people and know them on an individual basis and form relationships." -Martha AgUilar Picking up trash, seniors Stacey Wright. Lindsey Myers and Jessica Fisher participate with the Social Work Club during the Day of Service on March 29, 2006. The club provided opportunities for its members to experience different aspects of social work. from baby-sitting for foster parents to helping people in the community. -Courtesy ofAaron Beaird social science/behavioral sciences 227 _ .",-,