2006-2007 Yearbook

Cutting upfield, junior defensive back Cam Clark runs the ball while juniors Hayden Cruce, running back, and Michael Solano, tight end. look to block during the Homecoming football game against Henderson State on Oct. 28. The Bisons won the game against the Reddies 38·34 in overtime. -Chelsea Roberson Performing the "Home Show" on Oct. 28, Pied Pipers juniors Sadie Bullard, Jodi Pittard and Mat· thew Perring, sophomore Keith Fisher, seniors Ian Thomas and Megan Gilbert, junior Andy Frye, and sophomore Brian Bullard tell the story of Tyler Toad to former Pipers,friends and family. "It's neat to be able to perform with Pipers from past years because once they come on stage it's like they've .A. been rehearsing and performing with us; it's like an ~ extended family," Gilbert said. -Chelsea Roberson .- I homecoming 1,...<._ _