2006-2007 Yearbook

Criminal Justice Association Row I: D. Scheid. B. Houston (sponsor). S. Sallas,V. DeGree, R. Conn. D. Esposito, M. Rivas. R. Blake,A Torres. Row 2: J. Wells, D.Vath. P Davidson. A. Swann. C. Tyler. K. Carison.A. Venable, K. Carlton. Junior Jared Abelson listens to Searcy Mayor Belinda laForce during a meeting of the College Democrats in September. College Republicans also met on campus to serve both sides of the political spectrum. -Courtesy of Jared Abelson Trooper First Class Royce Denney and his K-9 partner,Ace, talk to members of the Criminal JusticeAssociation on Nov. 14.The two presented their expertise in the area of narcotics detection to the group. -Amber Bazargani " . Pi Sigma Alpha Row I: A. Cone. L Hamill. E. Smith, K. Keene. Row 2: M. Elrod (sponsor). S.Wilson, R. Crocker, J. Ballenger. G. Northen. A. Kem.