2006-2007 Yearbook

Seniors Joshua Scruggs and AdarrtYoung of Goodbye Design perform at "Battle de las Bands" held at theWhite County Fairgrounds on May 5, 2006. The Battle of the Bands was put on by the Multi-Cultural Student Action Committee alongside the Campus Activities Board and the Walton Scholars as a fund-raiser for Habitat for Humanity. -Courtesy ofJoshua Scruggs Holding an infant, senior Michelle Staggs participates in a summer internship in Tanza– nia, Africa, on June 5, 2006. Staggs, a member of the African Mission Fellowship,aspired to return to Africa after graduation to work with orphans. -Courtesy of Michelle Staggs French Club Row r: S. Roy. W. Hammes,J. Love , J, Reed, A Rich, Row 2: L Previl, R. McCready. p, Love, C. Neil,J, Love, African Mission Fellowship Row I: O.Tankersley, A, Landon, O. Sambursky, A Greek,A, Miller, L Clayton, A. Miller. Row 2: C. Landon, O. Hawkins, S, Hug, A Miller, M. Lynn, N, Meu. N, Martz. S. Barnett, B.Tankersley, A. Miller. Row 3: G.Tankersley,J. Strasser, K. Meadows, T.Trull, S.Vanderburg. M, Miller J. Cannaday. D. Nicholas, D, Reese,J. Reese. Spanish Club Row I: A. Manuel, N. Prieto. M. Coizman (sponsor),j. Coizman (sponsor), p. Alvarado, R. Hickerson. Row 2: J.Smith, T. Hendrixson, C. Piercy, L Rodriguez, T. Zeledon, M. Loden. S. Gill. R. Hernandez. Row 3:AConley (spomor). B.Graves,I.Gomez.LWiser:J.Morgan,S.CaIIari.j.Medsker: Row4:H.Dozier,L Gutierrez, C. Schrei, M. Keither, I. Azarcoya. E. Dexter, G. Velazquez. international 213 _