Students Council For Exceptional Children Row I: D.Woods. K. Holioman,A Esposito, H.Troyer. M.Yath. MENC Row I: L Hoggan. C Withrow, L Crabb. Row 2: R. DeRamus, E. Harrell.W Hammes, N. Wilhite. Row 3: S. Frazier.]. Campbell. A. Bradley, l. Fry. Kappa Delta Pi Row I: R. Donald, K. Dayies, C. Gregory. K. Boyett. A Orr.A Campos. W. Logan, D. Stang. L Beamon, M. Evans. H.Walker. K. Holloman. Row 2: B.Winland. D. Rubin, K. Stracener, C. Chester, V. Mowrer, Lizard, K. Adams. E. Plemmons, G. Decker, T. Agee, C. Prestridge. L Reese, B.Chapman, E. Royse, M. Stewart. Row 1; D. Moore.j. Goings, K. Menihan,J. Keller, M. Sassing. LWoods, M.Jones, E. Long, A. Dotson, L Cameron,J. Reed. Row 4: S. Decker. B.Watson (sponsor), D. Lee (sponsor), A. Gerst. C. Hunter. L Davidson. C. Garner, L Blackburn, V. Scruggs. C. Costelo. S. Smith. A. Bazargani. 210 organizations Junior Leah Woods plays with her charge while baby-sitting during the Students Council for Exceptional Children's Parents' Night Out on Nov. 10. The council offered baby-sitting services to children with disabilities and their families. -Amber Bazargani