2006-2007 Yearbook

taking the field again Team alumni scrimmage with current players The second annual lacrosse Black and Gold Game was held Oct, 27 during Homecoming weekend. Students and alumni participated in rhe game to raise money for the upcoming season. "Our main season is in the spring so we do nOt have many games to look forward [0 in the f.:lll," senior artack~ man Kyle Kuepker said. "I look forward [0 chis game every year. It's the first time many new scudems get to experience a lacrosse game." The Black and Gold game was an intersquad scrimmage, in which players split inco twO teams. One team wo re the home jerseys and the other team wore rhe away jerseys.The coach and officers formed the [earns with equalicy in mind. They did their best to make the teams as even in playing skiU as possible. Withem school sponsorship, the lacrosse team was considered a club sport and raised money to support the team throughout the season. The Black and Gold game served as one ofthe many opporrunities that studentS. facu lty and staff had to give donations to the team. During the game, the team set up a table to sell team shirtS and took donations for hot dogs and hor chocolate as another fund-raising event. "We hold many fund -raising events in the fall semester; the Black and Gold game gives us the mOSt revenue," sophomore attack-man C hris Ham ilton said. "Plus, it gives us the chance to take out our frustrations on our teammates." Many alumni enjoyed and looked fo rward to com ing back to campus for the Black and Gold Game. This year there was a great turn out for alumni players, some of whom had even been coaches who used to play for the team. Because of heavy rainfall the game was moved from the soccer field to the recreational soccer field. The move did not deter the fans from showing up and cheering on their team and fav,p rite players. Through the game, many more fans came to watch, cheer and brave the cold. The team said th ey even heard car horns from cars driving on Beebe Capps Expressway. At the end of the game the black team came out on top. W ith a score of 11 - 10, it was a close and evenly matched game. The Black and Gold game was established as an annual event and was projected to become a tradi tion that would run for many years to come. "Ttwas a great game to play in as my first home college game," freshman midfielder Chris Gusaas said. "I am looking forward to the home games of next semester; I am told that the crowds are much bigger." -Troy Marrs Junior Rebecca Sultzman and senior Brandon Stone play cards during an Apocalypse dinner Dec. 8. The team dinners helped unify the players and gave them a chance to inter– act with each other off the field. -Courtesy of Brandon Stone Sophomore Chris Hamilton and senior Kyle Kuepker play during the Black and Gold game with the lacrosse team Oct. 27. Current team members scrimmaged team alumni during Homecoming weekend even though the lacrosse team's season began in February. -Chelsea Roberson 196 ocgao.izations