2006-2007 Yearbook

Sophomore Stacey Geraci views a project from the Interior Design II class during the American Societyof Interior Design's Alumni Tea on Oct. 28. All ASID alumni were invited to the tea to view portfolio work by cur– rent students in the program. -Courtesy of Ashley Green headquarters inte • rlor ASID goes to Heifer International's building On a trip to the Heifer International building in Little Rock, current and prospective members of the American Society of Interior Designers were able to take note of the building, which used an environmentally fri endly design, and were able to network for future career placement. Shannon McCormic was one of the students on the trip and said it was one that she would soon never forget. However, McCormic said she walked away with much more than just people connections. "The building was absolutely amazing," McCormic said. "The ways which different natural materials were used was like nothing I had ever seen before. Even the barhroom stalls were made from recycled sawdust mat had been pressed together." The structure, according to McCormic, was composed of what designers and architects referred to as "green design;" a design that was environmentally friendly, self-sustainable and used the natural resources from the surrounding area. "One of the biggest highl ights of the building was that they used recycled rainwater," McCormic said. "Thirty percell[ of their used water is recycled rainwater, whereas typical buildings use 100 percent of the city's water. Also, the building was long and skinny with a lot ofwindows which helped use more natural light and less electricity." Kappa Pi Row I: l. Richardson. M. Stewart. Row 2: B. Austin (sponsor), T. Davidson, C. Rose, K. Owens. Row 3: J. Ross,J. Bentley, K. Phillips. .. 194 organizatio~os On this particular night, McCormic and the other students, led by Amy Cox, associate instructor ofart and member ofthe ASID, anended a party sponsored by the ASID. In addition to being an annual meeting of this organization, the Heifer building was showcased and attendees had the chance to network with other ASID members. "We went on a tour of the building led by some professional archi– tects who told us all about the building and the 'green design' concept," McCormic said. McCormic, who aspired to be a store planner one day, said she had been interested in "green design" ever since she first heard abour it. "Green design is great because it uses simple, everyday resources that we often overlook to benefit everyone," McCormic said. "When you think about it, it just makes sense to use the natural resources we have before us. Plus, it is much better for the earth." Heifer, which continued to look for new ways to end hunger and help protect the earth, was one of Little Rock's best-kept secrets, McCormic said, and was located close to the William J. Clinton Presidential Library. "It is crazy that we just drive by this place on (he way to the mall or wherever and never even realize it is there," McCormic said. -Jordan Dyniewski Red Brick Studios Row I: T. Stewart, K. Lemley, L. Powell, Z. Fonville, K. Mitchell, A. Landry, J. Ardrey, A. Sagredo. Row 2: C. Nicholson, S. Gray, D. Adams (sponsor), U. Corona, N. Fatula.