2006-2007 Yearbook

UL After volunteering during aTime ManagementWorkshop hosted by the Academic Resource Center on Nov. 8, freshman Sarah Borgelt becomes a live visual aid of how poor choices can influence the organization of a student's time in a negative manner. The resource center hosted numerous other workshops that were aimed at help– ing students in all aspects of their academic careers such as effective note-taking, test taking strategies,assessing learning styles and memory skills. -Amber Bazargani Comparing notes and preparing for their final exam, sophomore Jacob Hawk and freshman Cody Fowler discuss the subject matter of theirAmerican History Since 1877 class with senior Supplemental Instruction leader Preston Cottrell on Dec. 6 in the Ganus building. The SI program created study groups for students and used interac– tive learning techniques as well as visual aids to encourage students to gain an interest in the subject while preparing for exams. "Amber Bazargani academic services 19'-'-'.....