2006-2007 Yearbook

Senior Casey Allison presents her project entitled ''The First Exodus" at the English department's first Senior Symposium of the year Oct. 20 in the American Studies Building. In her capstone project , Allison discussed the fate of the mai n character, Leah Price, in the novel "The Poisonwood Bible." -Jon Byron Listening attentively, Ava Conley, professor of Spanish and department chair of foreign languages and international studies, sophomore Pablo Alvarado and freshman Tatiana Zeledon sit in the Ganus Building while junior Noe Prieto reads from his Bible during Spanish devotional Oct. II. The Spanish devotional allowed Spanish majors and minors and those interested in learning the language to worship and utilize their language skills with each other and native speakers. -Amber Bazargani english/foreign languages 17~..u......