2006-2007 Yearbook

Completing a biochemistry lab, senior Jonathan Blansett uses a micropipette to measure solutions Nov. 14 in the Pryor-England Science Building. On average. about 40 to 50 percent of students majoring in the physical sciences went on to pursue careers in the health sciences; the rest pursued graduate degrees. working in industry or teaching. -Chelsea Roberson Behind the scenes at the little Rock Zoo, senior Ivy Cooper and senior Kelli Blank get to know one of the zoo's giraffes, Jigsaw, while on their Animal Behavior and Ecology Lab field trip in the spring of 2006. The students also took a behind-the-scenes tour of the big cat housing faCility where they were instructed by a zoo official on how the tigers, leopards and other exhibit cats were fed and managed on a daily basis. -Courtesy ofJo M. Goy biology/physical sciences