2006-2007 Yearbook

Kayla Haynie, MA • Asst ProflEnglish Paul Haynie, Ph.D.• ProflHistory Budd Hebert, PhD.' ProflBusiness Allen Henderson, M.Ed.• Asst ProflEducation Adrian Hickmon, Ph.D.' Assoc. ProflM.F.T Chuck Hkks, M.s.E.' Asst ProflMusic Gary Hill, M.P'A.S. • Assoc. ProfJPhysician Assistant Studies & Clinical DirJPA Program Julie Hixson-Wallace, Pharm.D.· Dean/College of Pharrnacy Ann Hobby, M.L.I.S.· Asst ProfJUbrary Sciences & DirlReference & Instruction Sentices Ken Hobby. Ph.D.• ProUPsychology Dutch Hoggatt, PhD. • Assoc. ProUCommunication Karen Horton, M.A. • Asst. ProUEducation & Dir./Education Resource Center BJ Houston, J.D.• Assoc. Prof. & DlrlCrimmal Justice Kathy Howard, Ed.D.· Prof. &DirlPsychology Ronnie Huckeba. M.Ed.• Assod1'roflKmesiology Amber Hug. BA • Adjunct & LabTech/Biology Larry Hunt, Ph.D. • Asst ProflEnglish Heather Hutson. M.S.E. • InstrlKinesiology Dwight Ireland. Ed.D.' ProflPsychology& Counseling Center Mike Ireland, D.Min.· Assoc. ProflBible Mike James, PhD.• Prof. &Chair/Communication Alice Jewell, Ph.D. • Prof./English Fred Jewell, EdD.• ProfJHistory Lis Jones, M.M.• Instr./Music John Keller. PhD.' Prof & Chair/Art Karen Kelley. M.S.N.· Asst Prof/Nursing Johnnetta Kelly. M.NSe. · Asst ProfJNursing Raymond Kelly· Asst. CoaclVTennis Tim Kirby. M.Ed.· Asst. ProfJKinesiology&CoachNVomen's Basketball Kevin Klein. Ph.D.• Assoc. Prof. &Chair/History Lori Klein. M.P.A. · InstrlPolrtlcal Science & Public Administration Randy Lambeth. Ed.D. • Assoc. ProfiKinesiology Juli Lane. B.S.N. · InstrlNursing Cheryl Lee. M.N.S.e. • Asst. ProfiNursing Donny Lee. EdD. • Assoc. ProfJEducation Elizabeth Lee, M.SN . · Asst. ProfJNursing Joli Love, Ph.D.• Assoc. ProUForeign Languages Britt Lynn, M.F.A. • Asst.Prof/CommunICation James Mackey, PhD.• ProfJPhYSlCal Science Dale Manor. Ph.D. ' profJabie &Archaeology Eric Martin. PhD.• Am. ProUKinesiology Wilt Martin. EdD. · Prof. & Chair/Kinesiology Dennis Matlock. PhD.• Assoc. ProUBlochemistry& Molecular Biology Robert McC ready. PhD. ' Assoc. ProfJFrench Patrick McGaha. Ph.D. ' Assoc. ProfJKinesiology& Coach/Baseball Penny McGlawn. B.A. • Asst, ProfJEducation Becky Mclain. M.S. • Asst ProfJCommumcation Randy McLeod,J.D. · ProfiBusiness Robin Miller, M.FA • Prof/Communication Nathan Mills, PhD.' Asst. Prof.lBiology Carl Mitchell, PhD.• Prof/Bible & SpecialASSistant to President John Moon, PhD. • Prof & Chair/Biology jessica Moore, D.A. • Assoc. ProfJKinesiology& OirlWomen's Intramurals Justin Moore, PhD.• Asst ProUMFT faculty I