2006-2007 Yearbook

Tran..itioning Fu"" " !I"];-"l'n 1',.,.(;'",,,,,_,) ,,""" """. '" ,-,! t Bryan Burks, D.B.A., C.P.A. Dean/College of Business Administration t ! years at Harding "My primary responsibility is to work with our faculty in our pursuit of preparing Christian business professionals for lives of service." Tony Finley, Ed.D. Dean/College of Education 29 years at Harding "[I] have the opportunity to work with the faculty and staff to train candidates to teach children in public and private school, which is the largest mission field we have in the wortd," Jeff Hopper, Ph.D. Dean/Honors College & International Programs 33 years at Harding "It is my privilege to, for our students, help tie together many of the academic disciplines." Evertt Huffard, Ph.D. V.P. & Dean/HUGSR t 9 years at Harding "As vice president I am responsible for the operation of the Memphis campus, and as dean I am responsible for the academics. Ialso teach a couple of courses a year in missions or leadership." . 0 . 00. 0 • • 00• • 00. 00• • 0 0 . 00. 0 . 000. 00. 0 • • 000 . 0 . 0 • 0 . 0 . 0 0 • O. 00 • 0 0 • • • 0 0 0 O. 0 0 0 • • • • • • Dr. Cathleen Shultz, dean of the College of Nursing, addresses her Nursing Capstone Exposition class Sept. 18. Shultz informed her students about real-life nursing situations and prepared them for their student-to-professional nurse transition. -Amber Bazargani Dr. Bob Reely, dean of lifelong learning and associate executive director ofthe American Studies Institute, speaks at the National Leadership Forum, a series for high school juniors and seniors about leadership and citizenship, June 12. The Forum, which was started by Dr. George Benson, celebrated its 50th anniversary in June of 2006. -Jeff Montgomery Dennis Organ, Ph.D. Dean/College ofArts and Humanities 40 years at Harding "My position requires that my first priority is to suppOrt my six departments - art, communication, English, foreign lan– guages, history and music.... 1want to be a vigorous advocate for the value and importance of the liberal arts concept for all students." Bob Reely, Ed.D. Dean/lifelong Learning Associate Executive Director of the American Studies Institute 27 years at Harding "[I am] responsible for the American Studies Institute and many of the non·traditional programs at Harding." Cathleen Shultz, Ph.D. Dean/College of Nursing 30 years at Harding "We affiliate with 50-plus agencies for clinical experiences. In addition, I serve on numerous university committees and am the liaison officer for the Science and NursingAdvisory Council." Travis Thompson, Ph.D. Dean/College of Sciences 22 years at Harding "I have [nine] departments in the College of Sciences with which to coordinate budgetary and academic interests across diverse areas." deans 1= ,-_