2006-2007 Yearbook

0 . 0 • • 00• • 00. 00• • 0 0 8 000. 00. O. 000 • 0 . 0 . 0 • O. 00 . . 00 0 00 • • At the academic affairs meeting in the Freedom Room on Sept. 13, Dr. Larry Long, vice president for academic affairs, addresses concerns held by the faculty. The faculty discussed several topics, including raising the maximum hours available to students per semester from 18 to 20. -Jon Byron Or. Jim Carr, executive vice president, and sophomores Jeremy Daggett, Austin Bryan and Jacob Hawk meet together in Carr's confer– ence room Sept. 19. Each week they discussed who would lead prayer, singing and the devotional talk for Carr's Wednesday night home Bible study. -Chelsea Roberson senior vice presidents, chancellor, vice presidents f