2006-2007 Yearbook

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Carr said most recently the board had been concerned with training people to learn the Arabic language since the United Srates/Iraq conflict began in 2003. "When we went into Iraq, we didn't have a lot of people who spoke Arabic," Carr said. "We need to make sure we have people around the world who can understand [the Arabic] language." Carr mentioned the high praise Harding received in Washington, D.C. from other members of the board. "It's great to be a pare of this board and represent Harding in a forum such as this," Carr said. "It is exciting to hear Harding spoken so well of in our nation's capital." Carr's appointment to the board added another position to his already long list ofresponsibilities. He had served as chairman of the board for the Jim Carr, Ph.D. Executive Y. P. 19 years at Harding "I have the opportunity to work with, support and encour– age some of the most outstanding students in the world and be partners with a terrific faculty and an amazing staff." Keith Cronk, M.A. Y. P./lnformation Technology Services Eight years at Harding "1 have the overall responsibility for Information Technol– ogy Services, the Brackett Library, E-Iearning and Multime– dia Development, and the Office of the Registrar:' Floyd Daniel, B.s. SeniorY. P. 42 years at Harding "The heartbeat, the core of this work, is building and sustaining relationships with people who believe strongly in what we do. I love what I do." Cliff Ganus, Ph.D. Chancellor 60 years at Harding ''I'm grateful for the opportunity to continue supporting and helping advance the university in which I truly believe. r work with wonderful people who are dedicated to God, [to] their students, to alumni and to friends." 38 leadership Searcy Chamber ofCommerce and was a board member for First Arkansas Valley Bank, and a member for the Executive Comminee Council for the Boy Scams of Arkansas and for the Arkfrlsas Forestry Commission. In 2005 and 2006, Carr's vice presidential responsibilities took him to China as pan of developing Harding's EaSt Asia Studies Program. "We have developed relationships with several Chinese colleges and universities," Carr said. "We have recruited students at the graduate and undergraduate level to attend Harding." Carr said the East Asia Studies Program had grown since its inception four years ago, enrolling 83 students in the fal l. Despite all of his other roles, it was his duty as executive vice president rhat Carr said was most important eo him . Approaching his 20th year as executive vice president, Carr began working at Harding in 1987 after serving as vice president for Florida State University. Carr said (he people he worked with made his job easier, despite his having to juggle outside obligations with vice presidential responsibilities. "I work with a lot ofgreat people who are great leaders in their respective areas," Carr said. "It makes your job easier to work with able department heads; people with whom I enjoy working." Carr said working at Harding still remained his No.1 commitment. "Alrhough I enjoy serving in other areas, Harding is still my principle comm itment," Carr said. -Jennifer Merrill Larry R. Long, Ph.D. Y.P./Academic Affairs 31 years at Harding "My job is to help develop and monitor quality academic programs and to staff them with effective faculty. I see my job as a ministry in which I serve all the students by helping them get the best education we can provide." Bruce McLarty, M. Th. Y. P./Spi ritual Life/Dean/College of Bible and Religion Two years at Harding "My vice president role gives me overSight of Harding's many programs involving Bible teaching. church support and evangelistic outreach while also challenging me to oversee the enhancement of Christian spirituality in all areas of campus life." Mel Sansom, M.s. Y.P./Finance/Chief Financial Officer Four years at Harding "I enjoy leading Harding's operational division. including departments of finance, human resources, food services. Heritage Inn. public safety. post office, bookstore, main– tenance, custodial services, Harding Press, Harding Place and Camp Tahkodah." Mike Williams, M.B.A. Y.P./Advancement 19 years at Harding "I work with the offices of Advancement, Alumni and Parent Relations, and the Center for Charitable Estate Planning. We coordinate the fund raising activities of the university."