2006-2007 Yearbook

on Sears Hall dorm mom receives workload relief B caring almost 300 female students and a family offaur, Sears Hall was the largest female residence hall on campus. In the spring of2006, the former Residence Life Coordinator ofSears Hall Cory Ireland suggested rhe creation of a new Resident Assistant position to lighten the load of such a task. Thus began senior early elementary education major Jenny Goings' occupation as Senior Resident Assistant. Because there was still an R.A. assigned to each wing, Goings said she was not required to take on the responsibilities a residem ass istant normally had. She was more ofan assistant to Tanya Davis, Resident Life Coordinator for Sears Hall. "[I] repon all maintenance requests, cover curfew two nights a week, assist with health and safety and all kinds of random paperwork/office type stuff 1 am assigned," Goings said. More than the technicals though, Goings said the relationships made throughout her three-year-career as an R.A. were the most meaningful to her. The difference she found this year was not being responsible for the freshman girls as she had been before. "It's more like being there for the R.A.s," Goings said. Davis said Goi ngs really relieved her workload by taking on the tech nical aspects of [he job. Goings' advice for future Sen ior R.A.s pertained to stressing over more than what the position called for. She said being up front about the position and knowing what to do from the beginning was the best thing anyone could do. ~ "You are still a student so have fun," Goings said. "Don't become the go-berween among rhe R.A.s and R.L.c." According to a Srephens Hall R.A. junior MylahWatkins, who had been on Goings hall her freshman year, said Goings had so much of an influence on her residents that many of them, including herself, became R.A.s. One such resident, Tori Porter, said Goings influenced her experience at Harding in a positive way. "I transferred to Harding in the spring semester of 2005, and as my R.A., she helped to make my transition smooth," Porter said. "Her kind– heartedness inspired me to become an R.A. so that I could help others who were also struggling wi th thei r transitions." Davis said she noticed Goings' dedication not only to her job, but also to her peers as a positive contributor to thei r everyday lives. "She is just so nurturing," Davis said. "That's how 1 know she is going to be a great teacher someday." -Natalie Lollis Afterthe resident assistant meeting in Sears Hall on Sept. 12, senior Jenny Goings talks with some of the R.A.s, sophomores Katie Parker and Beth Strate and senior Brittney Davidson. "Whenever I need anything, I can open my bathroom door and there is Jenny to assist me in my R.A. needs," Davidson, who was Goings' suitemate, said. -Amber Bazargani freshmen IITIIII.