2006-2007 Yearbook

res eshmen begin to make wedding preparations At every college, freshmen experienced man~\i~s ~ring their first "One of the hardest parts for me was trying to find time to do school .............. ~ year. At Harding, it might have been picking out a chapel seat, trying work," Irwin said. "I had so much fun planning the wedding, that's alii ever "" [0 decide on a social club or realizing that DCB runs out sooner than wanted co do." ~ one might have thought. For a lot of first-year students, the load was Irwin also said it was difficult being in Searcy instead ofMemphis, where cough to handle. For a select few, however, the new college lifestyle was made the nuptials were taking place. more stressful as they planned a wedding on the side. "When you are planning a wedd ing, you have co make appointments Freshmen Misha Apple and Chris Brownlow dated for seven months for everything, and I could not go to those appointments a lot of the time before Brownlow proposed. They planned their weddi ng early because Apple because I was in school," If\vi n said. was traveling with the HUG program in the fall of2007 and would nOt be Irwin said one thing that made the planning easier was that mOSt of returning to the states until a month before the wedding Dec. 7. Apple said her bridesmaids were Harding students and could help her throughout this pushed all of the planning forward , but she was not too stressed. process. "I am in the beginning stages still; just doing Iitde stuff here and there on "They helped with all of the little stuff and even had my lingerie , h,)we< ..... the weekends," Apple said. "We will worry about the big stuff later." in the lobby of Sears dorm," Irwin said. "It was perfect, though, be,:au se : Apple said Brownlow was not too involved in the planning process. instead of the shower being in Memphis, I was at Harding with all of "He doesn't have much ofan opinion [on the wedding] , and he supports best friends." my decision [0 do whatever I wan t to with the decorations and stuff," Apple Meredith's fiance, Andy, was busy with schoolwork at the time. However, said. "The only th ing he doesn't understand is why he cannot have all of his she said he still had a say in the planning. friends as his groomsmen, instead of just four." ''Andy was studying for the MCAT during that time, so he couldn't JUSt Brown low did get one thing he liked in the wedding: the color blue. focu s solely on the weddi ng like I did, but he helped me out as much as "} know that is his favorite color, so I chose blue as one of the main possible," Irwin said. colors," Apple said. "1want him to be happy with the decorations toO, not Irwin said all of the planning was worth it when the wedding wenr just me." smoothlyAug. 5, 2006. Sophomore Meredith Irwin said she experienced some ofthe same things "T he wedding was beautiful, and all of the stresses seem worth it," lnvin when she planned her wedding to senior Andy Irwin during her freshman said. "I am so lucky mat everything worked our so wonderfully." year. -Erin Smith Glancing through a bridal magazine in Sears Hall on Nov. 16, freshman MishaApple gets ideas for her upcoming wedding. Bridal magazines and Web sites provided helpful planning tips and ideas for future brides. -Chelsea Roberson