2006-2007 Yearbook

• • Women unite to serve Go s kingdom on earth In the fall of2005, senior Casey Allison felt the need to organize a seminar for women with an interest in mission work. Allison said she noticed men had a higher level of involvement in missions than women. She knew many young women wanted to be involved in missions, but as single studems without mission teams, they did not know where to start. In response to this need, Allison created Women ofMissions. The group gathered together in the McInteer building once a week to share common interests and passions - especially an interest in missions. Senior Cynthia Landon was one of the speakers fo r the seminar and one of the mai n o rganize rs fo r the group during the fall. Landon said the purpose of Women of Missions was to conneCt the members with each other, encourage [hem, pray fo r members and serve God. "The group has changed a lot because of the people," Landon said. Landon said the group started with 50 women who attended every meeting during the group's first year. The group had 40 members at [he beginning of its second yea r. Landon said the group grew after chapel announcements made by members and by word-of-momh publicity. Junior Sarah Console was in charge of the group during the fall. She said she knew of the group because mission work was her main focus when she carne to Harding. //. Consc,ie ,;aid the group met together in an informal setting every week and every member was involved in organizing and leading the meetings. Women of Missions wo rked togethe r w ith Brothers United for Missions during the Day of Service in 2005. During rhe fall of2006, the group planned activities such as a fund-raiser for a student who was in Afghanistan, a scrapbook for the group nfembers and a retreat for two days in November at Camp Tahkodah. During (he retreat, members had (he oppo rtunity (Q learn about missions and what it was like to be a woman missionary. They also played games, watched movies and had the opportunity [0 get to know one anQ(her better. Andrea Miller was a speaker for the retreat. After living fo r six years in Africa, Miller came to Harding with her husband. Matt Miller, visiting professor of missions. Miller spoke to the women about the importance of women in missions and issues women missionaries face. Mi ller said relationships formed by group members could affect their mission opportuni ties in the future. "This group is neat because the girls have rhe same mind set and imerests," Miller said. "They can share their experiences and they can form teams for mission work." -Martha Aguilar DuringaWomen ofMissions meet– ing Nov. 2, junior Nicole Dicken, 2005 graduate Rachel Phillips, and sophomores Kristina Brazle and Natalie Metz listen to senior Casey Allison's missions experience in the missions lounge. "I like the account– ability, the openness and the ability to share dreams and ambitions," Metz said. -Amber B"",!:,n; sophomores 9u..l_..