2005-2006 Yearbook

more than words Mentor: a trusted adviser. Friend· one attached ro another by mutual affection. Servant: one who serves others. Determination: firmness of purpose. Faith: complete trust and confidence in someone or something. Baptism:act ofimmersion inm water [0 sym– bolize acceptance ofJesus Christ. Who am I' How many rimes have I asked this question as I have matured over the years? Many of us face this quesrion as we try and define who we are. Trying to sum up who we are in one word is challenging for most of us - one word that says everything about who each of us are. The th ing is, it's not the words themselves that defin e who we are, it's the meanings behind them that say it Trying to get the steps right, junio r J.P. Allen and sophomore Travis Eslinger ploy Donee Donee Revolution in Keller Hall Feb. 14. "I wish I was betler because I would ploy it a lot more," Allen, who was playing the game for the first time, said. ·Chekea Robe"•• all. It's not who 1am on the outside that counts, but it's who I am inside, at my corc. There a f Cso many words in our language that we can choose to define us: smart, kind, encour– aging, unique, funny, sarcastic, happy ... At Harding, one word that can describe our campus is Christian . It's onc word that says so much about who we arc. It sets us apart from the world and says we are going ro live ou r lives differenrly. We're going ro be in this world , but not be of it. It means we are committing our lives ro following the teachings of Christ. I pray as you read this roday and many years from now, you find the words that will define you and that you will see their underlying mean– ings while you continue to grow and be defined as a child of God. .Cynthia Noah, editor in chief