Showing sup pori for Iheir leom, seniors Kristen Byron and Em ily G oo dwin , Beta Omega Chi queens, cheer on Ihe c lub' sflag football A-Ieam Oc t. 11. " It 's fun 10 c heer for Ihe guysand be loud and supportive a t the same lime," Goodwin said. ·JonathanLindsay Queens bear the Baking cookies and playing hostess for a group of college-age men may nOt have been one's initial thoughts when thinking abo ut royal duties. Many queens said those res ponsi– bilit ies we re just small partS of being a cl ub queen. Junior Cara McCormick, a T NT queen since spring 2005, said the experience was an honor. The honor was nOt only for the queens, but for the d ub members as well. "We feel like the way [our queens] live their lives is an honor for us to have them as a parr ofour club," senio r Jeff Fowler, T NT president, said. Queens, however, did not limit their roles to title bearing, bur were onen active participants in the club's varied activities. titans "Basically we support the guys in any way we can," McCormick said. "Bonnie [Berryhill, TNT queen] and I bring them blue Gatorade [to the games]." McCormick said that being a queen not only provided the oppo rtunity to be served , but serve others as welL McCormick said baking cookies and cheering at the games was only the beginning. Although queens did noc voce during the dub pro~ cess, sophomoreJosh Gann, King's Men member, said (heir participatio n during the process was essentiaL "When [Club Week] gets stressful on [newmem~ bers], the queens ease them through the week," Ga nn said. "They are their support when they need it" Furthermo re, McCormick said baking cookies and cheeri ng at the games was only the beginning of royalty. tnt Q ueens and beaux were often held responsible fo r the success of mixer, fu nction and formal entertain– ment. Fo r the T NT annual Blue banquet, the T NT queens made a video that, according to McCormick, (ook a lot of effort and creativity to produce. " It was a lot of fun ," McCormick said. "I don't know how ente rtaining it was, but they seemed to appreciate that we put effort into maki ng it." Q ueens did more than just represent their clubs; whether they baked cookies, supported or entertained, queen input was, acco rding to members, u nde resti~ mated bur highly appreciated. "OUf queens are hard wotkers and probably do n't get all the credit they deserve," Fowler said . Wn1eydo a lot of little th ings that sometimes people don't see and quite often fail to appreciate." -Susana Veliz Row 1: N. Burroughs, C. Prather. A White, L. Setzler, M. Stewart. L. Wells, R. Hatfield. l. Burlon. K. Fagala. Row 2: J. Powell. J. Blake. S. Riggs. J. Winters. M. Jerkin$. S. Elkin$, B. Burlon. R. Gardner, O. Guzman. C. McEntyre. Row 3: C. SneaL L Dement. J. Wallis. J. Simpson, A. Rogers, R. Chappell, K Nix. Row 4: P. Lemar, A. Osburn. J. Montgomery. C. Truax. J. Penrod, B. McDonald, J. Cowart. Row 5: E. Chappell. N. Smeal. B. Garner. Z. Starnes, O. Steele. O. Good. J. Street. Row 1: W. Jordon, J, Degge, C. McCormick. B. Berryhill. J. Roberts. R. Mcintyre. M. Rivas. I. Pounders. S.Collins. J. Deitch, T. Bliss, J. Aven. Row 2: N. Gooch. S. Johnson. A. Thomas, A. Hooten. A.Morgan. P. Lombert, B. Norton, M. Thompson. N. Looney. B. Gatlin. K. Matkins. Row 3: K. Stomatis (sponsor). r. Taylor, S. Rampy, C. Contreras, R. Hendricks. C. Guillo. N. Barnett. E. Clem. C. Dean, A Atley. J. Fowler. Row 4:1. Neese, J. Ookley, S. Neller. J. Turoevile. C. Thiede. G. Webb. K. Woodcock. C. Walker. L Sheldon, R. Ash, C. JOfdan, J. Martinez. Row 5: I. Thomas. A. Robertson. P. Snell. B. Ellis. C. Miller. B. Whittington, B. Gross, M. Waddell, J. Rivas. S. Young. R. Ked. Row 6: J. Piccino, O. Walton, M. Croud. B. Easter, J. Binkley, A. Bryon, D. Bryant O. Sloan, J. Rachels, A. Reynolds. R. Lambert. 'r< ',,,,r· inl c lubs