2005-2006 Yearbook

Ashereods from 0song book, senior Jonothon McLeon, member of Alpha Tau Epsilon, and junior Sarah Gallagher, member of Gata, sing and praise in the clubs ' weekly home Bible study Oct, 19. The clubs had a home Bible study together as a brother and sister club tradition. -Amber BOlorgoni king 'sMEN r"""T""""'''''' Zeto Rho members screom in excitement during a game a t their annual retreat held at the new retreat center at Camp Tahkodah Sept. 23. "This year the main focus was opening up and getting closer to each other," sophomore Zeta Rho member Kinsey Smith sa id. -Courtesy of (oro McCormick. Row I : T. long, J. Conley. M. Parrish. M. Comley, B. Cannon. J. Freese. Z. Crow. Row 2: J. Edwards, J. Morgan, N. Thomas. C. Taliaferro. J. PrzeczewsKi. J. Davidson. C. Rea ves. Row 3: t\. Kemp. D. Moore, T. Sudbury, M. Legg. R. Gardner. P. McGc-aw, A. Sides. Row 4: K. Pendarvis. C. Vendetti, M. Vendetti, D. Hunt. A. Light. M. Ethington. Prepming to grill 0 piece of steok, juniors Brandon Shirey, Ma tthew Eastridge and Amanda Shirley get the ingredients ready during "Red Meat Friday" Sept, 28. Chi Sigma Alpha members joined together Friday afternoons to fellowship and enjoy a meal. -Russell Keck knights I"""'T--'-- Row I: C. Casey, E. Morris. A. Clarl<. N. Reece. T. Cox (sponsor),l. Anderson. B. Burcham. E. Dell. S. Jac kson. S. Worthy. Row 2: A. Messicl<. M. Harvey. C. Elliott P. Rampey. T. Johnson. E. Mount. J. Allen. S. Mount. M. Pruitt. Z. Cheatham. A Parker. Row 3: K. Kuepk.er. M. Wright, D. Fra!ick.. J. Widbig!er, K. lance, G. Davis. E. Blyanl. N. Hoffman, J. Gerber. Row 4: T. Hendrixson. J. Glover. R. Davenport, D. Mainprize. M. Johnston. K. Arthur. B. Burcham, 6. Hodges. Row 5: A Fraser, J. !reland. M. Daniel, S. Alk.en, S. Mainprize, S. Coleman. A Scarborough, 6. Scoll. 6. Higgins. M. Fonviille. E. Heinemier. Row 6: D. MUler. P. Wheeler. 6. Brasher, T. Corter, C. Wilson. R. Rozze!L N. Green, K. Vesely. 6. Vesely, A. Au!!, J. Bragg. T. Eslinger.