Working on his dub book, freshman Gavin LaFave , a new member of Beta Omega Chi, checks to find out how many signatures he needs to complete the book Nov. 9. One of the re– quirements to completing the club book was getting signatures from a member and new member of every social club. -Amber Bllzorgani Running with lonces <overed in shoving creom, freshman Seth Coleman and sophomore Beau Brasher. members of Knights, prepare to hit each other during the Knights Joust Nov. 10. New members competed against each other, and the winner had to fight the Black Knight. ·Jonathan lindlOy chi LAMBDA chi Senior Dophne Fritz ond iunior Angie Mowrer, Omega Lamda Chi members, take a break from playing paint football against members of Kappa Gamma Epsilon Nov. 8. The game required new and old members to cover their hands in paint so hand prints were left when a player two-hand touched the other team. ·Amber Bazorgani chi OMEGA pi Row 1: A, Boiley. J. Colon. A. Hopl:.ins, A. Johnson. S, Turpin. J. Raymond, K. Queen. Row 2: Q. Menyweather. K. Pounds, D. Witcher, J. Spillman, C. Ettinger. M. Wolton, J. Johnston. Row 3: W. Johnson, J. Stewart. J. Stacy. J. Gorrison, D. Droke. Row 1: K. Davies. M. w.eredilh. R. Ferguson, M, Carol. E, Gooctwin, S. Sanderson. Row 2: B.l.ig1t, N. Copeland, A"an. 1. Crosby, J. Nosh. R. Tribble. M. Booth, K. wet, J. Qiffin, R.White, S.Howcrd. N. Sl"'teton. D. Pietzmon. Row 3: A. Ugh!, L. DJrfee, R, Fuga. C, Gerrvna, R. Coiorl. J. Yotes, K. O'Neil, B. Wolker, A Raibley, H. Cusic, E. Horbc:M...K, S . .Y.oon, C. H~multt M. McCubbie. Row 4: M. Philps. A. wont, M. Mortland, E . .Jotv'1soo. J. Eis. B. Glover. K. Pevahouse, K, ~e,A, San, A Roberts, K. Bray, B. Pieters, T. B/"agg. Row 5;S. McCorrric, S. Wotts, S. Aragon, C. Engel. J. Schultz. w. Hal, R. Thomas, K. Keelch, K. Wdiams. J. Brever, 1. Mitchel, R. Sabotl:.a, A. SudbLry, S. Graham. Row 6: J. Younger. C. Sanzone. G. Nova; K. Gibson. S. Cox. M. Loden, R. Donald, K. Po1:er; J. Smnett, V. Rech, A. Reet.", s. Row 7; K. S'(lTlIYlCM'Iiz. E. Ahem. l;: social c lubs