Junior Allen Mouldin ond senior Amber Moron visil Vonderbilt LowSchool in Nashville Tenn., Feb. 3. During the visi!. Mauldin and Moran attended a criminal law class and ate lunch w ith four Vanderbilt students who gave them advice on selecting a law school. -Courtesy of Amber Moran Country's top law schools want Alpha Chi member After attending college fo r only three years, senior Amber Moran faced twO difficult tasks: selecting a law school and saying goodbye to her friends knowing they would be in school for one more year. Moran did nOt d iscover her imerest in law until her freshman year. Conversations with Dr. Andy Olree, fomler associate professor of political science, helped narrow her focus to law from political science. Moran emered college with a semester's worth of hours by taki ng CLEP exams for English credit and attendi ng Honors Symposium. After she learned she could not begin law school until the fall, she decided ro push herself to finish school in th ree years. "Graduating early wasn't really what 1 intended," Moran said. "I am very much a planner. After llooked over my schedule, I realized that it was possible." Moran took the Law School Admissio ns Test in June 200 5. To prepare, she enrolled in a lO~week Kaplan course in Little Rock. In additio n to Sunday meetings, the class met for four Sacurclays to take a four~hour praC[ice test. "I gOt morc our of taking the practice tests o n Sat– urdays than anything else," Moran said. "It helped me get used to the timing of the test. It also forced me to study instead of waiting until the last minute." Moran passed the LSAT and received her flrs[ letter ofacceptance to the University ofTexas at Austin School of Law. "I was so nervous when ropened the envelope," Moran said. "I really wanted to get into Texas because it is where I am from, and it is a good school." Jn addition co UT, Moran was also accepted to Baylor In her room in Shores Hall, senior Amber Moran looks through brochures for law schoolsFeb. 14. Moran was accepted to eigh t of the top 20 law schools in the United States. BAmber 8azargoni ..~r.~ arganizatians University, Duke Un iversity, Columbia University Georgetown University, the University of Pennsylvania University ofVirginia and Vanderbilt University, with the possibility of more acceptance letters on the way. Although Moran was wotried about the changes sh would face, she was concerned about leaving friends. "It's one thing for all ofyour friends (0 leave and gc offin d ifferent d irections, but it's a lor harder to be the only one gOing," Moran said. "I kept saying 'Ie's my laS! time [0 do this' or 'We need to go do that because I am graduating in May.' No one else had that sentimentalit} mixed with urgency." Moran said she had her &mily's continuous suppon even though no one in her family was a lawyer. Moran participated in Alpha Chi, the Academic Team, Barristers club, Friends Program, Honor's Col· lege, Chi Omega Pi social club and was the treasure of Phi Alpha Theta. ·JockieThrapp