2005-2006 Yearbook

Senior Dovid Condolore writes deadlines and set location ideas for the student-produced miniseries for the TV Studio Production and Writing class Feb. 7. As the executive producer, Condolora was responsible for organizing and coordinating the shows. ·Ru",11 leek - Who'sWho member masters video production techniques Senior David Condolora was one of 7 1 Harding studencs recognized in \'(fho's \'(tho Among Students in American Colleges and Universities. Who's Who students appeared in a national book as proof of their 3Cldemic and extracurricular excellence. Condolora, an electronic media major, said he pushed the boundaries ofllis major to achieve scholastic and career goals. "I take a tot ofiniriarive to go beyond me curriculum and class work," Condolora said. Amn of the film industry, Condolora incorporated cameras inro his life at Harding. Along with his friend, graduatesmdcnrCaseyCochran, Condolora co-wrote and shot a dramatic miniseries in 2005 as an independent study. He also made shorr films in lieu of projects for various ,– , " classes. Since the communication department's cameras were only available for school-related work, Condolora looked for opportunities to use the equipment. "A lor of rimes it \va5 more work doing the films, bur I gained experience," Condolora said. After graduation, Condolora said he hoped to break into rhe film industry. "Ultimately, ICI like to make films for a general audience to platH seeds of Christianity, get people co think about th ings, withour being pushy, but by telling agoodStory," Condolora said. "I'd like to use film as a medium to help spread the Gospel." Besides being a member of Alpha Chi and Who's \'(fho, Condolora was also Delta Chi Delta social club president, senior class president, an Honors College member, a spring break campaign leader to Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, and the drummerfor the band Gcxxl.byc, Design. Condolora said he enjoyed his schedule despite the Set thar he was always busy. In on editing boy in the Reynolds Center, senior David Con– dolora uses Soundtrack Pro, a section of Final Cut Studio, Feb. 8 to record a voice-over for a short film called "Perfect As New." "I use [Final Cut] all the time; it is a great piece of software," Condolora said. ·Jonolhan Lindsoy "~fi ! organ izations "I believe chat Who's Who and Alpha Chi srudems should be people who are not happy being stagnant," Condolora 5<'lid. "They are the ones who must constantly be learning, discovering something new, and trying every day to become more than they are, with God's help." Condolora said he believed his fulth was the reason for his acceptance into Who's Who and would be his reason for excelling in whatever he did. "My work ethic is very much driven by my beliefthat God doesn't wane us [a be mediocre," Condolora said. "We are all capable of far more than we imagine, and if we've been given a gift, it's our responsibility (0 use it (0 rhe fullest and glorifY God wirh iL" Selections toWho's \X1hoAmongStudentS in AmericUl Universities and Colleges were made in the F.tIJ bycoUegcs across the country. Seniors at Harding were nominated by facultyand scaffmembers. Once nominated, theseniors sent in their applications, and thc students wcre selected. -AullinUghl