2005-2006 Yearbook

Senior Andreo (opeland, Sodal Work dubsecretory, congratulates Mary Pritchett, resident of Harding Place, far receiv– ing the Resident o f the Month Award duri ng chapel Oct. I I . During the presentation, junior Aaron Beaird read a summary of Pritchett 's life. ·Amber8azargllni Service club raises money for community in EI Salvador After nine years ofserving children in EISalvador, the Jesus r rojeer became a legal enriry in EI Salvador and a board-approved organization ar H arding. TheJesus Project was formed by a group ofWalton Incernarional Scholars who wanred to give back to their home countries. Junior Joel Chavez, Jesus Project presidenc, said the idea behind the organization came from the Spanish acronym "JESUS." "Juvemud en santa un ion servical," C have-L said. "'It tra~sla~>~ to somethi ng like 'youth in holy unity of service. Junior C hristian Contreras, fro m Guatemala, had been involved with the Jes us Project fo r three D years. Contreras said there were twO goals beh ind the project. "Our twO mai n goals are to get closer to God by serving and to raise money to help the ch ildren in EI Salvador," Contreras said. Chavez., a native ofE] Salvador,said his home coumry needed rhe help the Jesus Project could provide. ""In e poverty level in EI Salvador is at a maxi– mum ," Chavez said. "We try to help [children] by providing them with shoes, supplies and other things they need." Along with providing a school building, the Jesus Project helped the students of EI Salvador beyo nd physical needs. "Five yea rs ago they only had school [through] sixth grade," Contreras said. "Now it goes [through] n im h grade, and we also have found ways to help students graduate high school by sending them to other schools." Two groups worked with [he Jeslls Project. O ne was the group of current Hard ing students, and the Q[her was a group of former \'{falton scholars living in EI Salvador. The group from Harding (ook a week-long trip each summer, whereas the group stationed in EISalvador helped year-round. This yea r, the Jeslls Project was allowed more freedom in the country of El Salvador. "This past February, we Signed a non-governmental organization agreement," Conrreras said. "It gives us more power to do service in EI Salvado r." Sophomore G lo ria Gonzalez, from EI Salvador, said she appreciated the generosity from members of the Jesus Project. "I have so many great things to be thankful for, and I JUSt see it as a great opportu ni ty to give something back," Gonzalez said. -EmilyBurrows Row 1: G. Ramirez, N. Prieto, G. Gonzalez, P. Huezo, M. Aguilar, C. Aleman, A. Manuel. Row 2: A. Lopez, J. Castro, J. Chavez, B. Pagoada, J. Mendoza, D. Carranza, W. Romero. Row 3: C. Antunez, D. Alvarado, L. Velasquez, C. Contreras, D. Ramos, E. Garcia, J. Castro, P. Oropin . Row 4: E. Iliescas, A. Muszynski. C. Piercy, B. Lopez, D. Antunez, F. Cruz, R. Hernandez, M. Thompson. Row 1: L. Harrison, T. Chapin, K. Pollard, S. Wright, L. McKinnon, L. Myers, B. Frakes. Row 2: S. Woad , A. Copeland , A. Greek, J. Book– wal ter, N. Luebbehusen, A. Beaird, D. Morris, A. Huston.