2005-2006 Yearbook

Freshman Neil Borre" looks at the "The Invisible Children" display booth by ONEin the Mclnteer Rotunda during the World Mission Workshop Oct. 14. The booth was meant to draw attention to the needs of children in Uganda. ·Russell Keek one Sophomore Jonathon Strosser listens to Frank Mills, former preacher at Cloverdale Church of Christ. speak at an Alpha Chi Malachi meeting Oct. 3. Mills shored his experiences as a minister to those who were interested in becoming fu ll-time ministers. ·Amber Bazargani At a Society of Near Eastern Archaeology meeting Oct. 11, Serials Technical Assistant Kathy Adams, sophomore Kevin Burr, freshman John Martinez, and junior Mark Rucker listen to Dr. Dale Manor, associate professor of Bible and archaeology, speak about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah . "The goal of the SNEA was to inform students on the world of archaeology today," Burr said. ·Jollalhon Lindsay ' so(iety@~near@@~fr@ll'l1\Iar(haeology Row 1: J. Granberg, T. Trull, L. Greek, M. Landon. Row2: L. Shaffer, S. Cook, R. Scott, J. Sawyer. Row 1: D. Reese, T. Trull, E. Steiner, C. Davis, D. Skelton, P. Cottrell. Row 2: M. Landon. K. Burr, S. Blake. D. Manor. D. Condolora, M. Alexander. J. Martinez. Bible il"' '