2005-2006 Yearbook

JllJiDiodJ "What we 're striving to do is make an eternal difference and remember that's the business we 're in." Andrew Baker Executlvedlrector • • leadership Penny light, executive assistant for the Institute for Church & Family, works Od 13 in the ICF office, "I could work here for free and still love it," Light said, ·Jonothon lind"y AndrewBaker, executive director of the Institute for Church & Family, talks with sophomore Kelly Boyett Od 17, As director of the Institute for Church & Family, Baker oversaw numerous ICF-sponsored events, including Uplift and the Church & Family magazine, ·Courtesy of Penny light Tim Westbrook, associate director of the Institute for Church & Family, checks his e-mail Sept. 20 in his office, Westbrook was hired in the summer and managed the advertising for the Arkansas Christian Herald and the Church & Family magazine. ·RosoColon