2005-2006 Yearbook

freshmon Ro(hel Bloke rides her bicycle to her Music Appreciation class Nov. 16. "Any– one who rides a bicycle is cool because they are willing to be different. get more exercise and get to class faster," Blake said . -Amber Bozorgani In Transl Bicycles back in style as some cruise campus They were seen everywhere on campus, weaving around people as they made their way to class. Leaving the pedestrian lifestyle, some students chose to ride their bicycles around campus. Senior Josh Lee said the high gas prices were a major incentive to riding his bicycle. "My gas mileage isn't doing really well right now," Lee said. "1 have a couple of friends who also live around me, so we'll ride together. I like that I can leave my house at 7:55 a.m. and can be in class on rime by 8 a.m," Cyclists were seen more around Harding's campus, and in response to the riders, students expressed their mixed emotions about the biking method of transportation. Senior John Manly said he did not think bicycle-riding was necessary, even though he lived off campus. "I don'r think I'd ride a bike, not thar far," Manly said. "I'd rather just walk and nOt worry about keeping track of a bike." Senior Luke Williams said he saw cyclists around campus on occasion and thought they should clear the sidewalks for other students. "I think it's smart, but it looks silly," Williams said. "On other campuses it makes sense because theit c,'lmpuses are huge, but here at Harding, it isn't exactly a big campus." Senior Luke Davis said he did nOt have nega– tive feelings coward the cyclists, but felt they were somewhat hazardous co pedestrians. "I think if you live off campus it's good because it can give you a lot of exercise," Davis said. "Bur if you've ever been walking down the sidewalk and almost get hit by a guy on a HuffY, it's a little scary." Senior Lind~eyWalker rode her bicycle whenever she gOt the opportunity. "I would rather ride my bike than drive; [driving is] bad for the environmenr," Walker said. Senior Whimey Degge admitted she was afraid to be around bicycles. "When I was litde, I ran into a parked bus on my bike, and ever since then I've been timid toward cycling," Degge said. "I avoid bikes all together - 1JUSt walk." Despite negative reactions to the presence of bicycles on campus, some did not mind the rid– ers. Junior Marcus Burkett said he thought more people should ride bicycles, but some people did not have access to them. "I would ride a bike to Harding from my house, but 1don't have one," Burkett said. "I wish I did because I would save money on gas, and I would have more c,'lsh for dates with my girlfriend." ·Julie Pye